chapter 14: winter fall

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AstroLink wrote this

We bandaged Elore all up and she was full on health, but she had fallen asleep before she could watch herself heal gradually. I loved the smell of Murphy's shirt and the feel on me it was big and soft and smelled like roses. a couple hours late my eye lids felt heavy and I felt like collapsing. "My dear, are you tired?" Murphy asked quietly, I nodded and looked at him, seeing him half asleep on the couch. I crawled up with him and snuggled close closing my eyes and smiled.

It was around five 'o'clock in the morning when I heard a door open and close then steps walking towards me. I quickly strike my eyes open to see Sam standing there, still as a statue, with a blanket in his hands. "so-sorry" he whispered under his breath in a scratchy voice. I closed my eyes again and felt the blanket go over me, I realized how cold it was when I felt the warmth of it.

The next morning I woke up with a dangerously real feeling of pain in my stomach, like someone had stabbed it. I shot up and screamed unintentionally, I looked down at my hand clenching my stomach and there being nothing. I looked back up at Murphy frightened along with Sam and Elore, them all staring at me "I'm sorry" I looked down. Murphy walked quickly over to tilt my head and check me make sure I wasn't hurt, then kissed my forehead "no reason, only a bad dream" he smiled in a soft tone.

I looked away into the window hiding my blush and noticed it snowing, it had fallen wintertime last night. I smiled into the window and struck back around and hugged Murphy tight squealing as he picked me up and spun us around.

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