Chapter 5: Overworld

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Wash up for dinner. Wash up for dinner! Has this child ever met an enderman before? I can't touch water!

I rolled my eyes and wandered into the kitchen. I could see monsters spawning outside, and any that had cast their eyes toward this house quickly turned away when they saw me through the window.

I looked at Saria's table. One, it came just above my knees, and two, I didn't even want to try using any of the chairs around it. I sat on the floor and I was still enough above it to use it. I bit my upper lip. If she really wanted me to stay, there were going to be some height issues.

Saria came over carrying soup and bread and wearing a bright smile. "What would you like to dri--" she was interrupted by a knock on the door. "I'll be right back."

She set the soup and bread down and left to the door. I bit my lower lip this time. Had Draconia sent someone after me? My heart suddenly started racing. If it was indeed an enderman looking for me, Saria was in trouble. She could get hurt, or worse.

Then she came back in. I relaxed a little bit. "Who was that?" I probed a little bit.

"A mailman." She paused. "I think. We don't have mailmen here...or at this time of night..." her smile fell into a frown. "We'll take care of it after dinner."

I nodded as my heart started pounding again. I reached for my crystal in my pocket. "Sa..." I whispered in a barely audible tone. She obviously didn't notice.

"Oh poop. I meant to ask you what you wanted to drink." She pouted a little bit.

I smiled behind my bandanna. "Milk, please."

"I'll be right back then." She stood and ran off.

I clenched my crystal tighter. Even with it within reach, it felt too far away. But I really sucked at crafting. I looked up at Saria as she gave me a glass of milk.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome." She smiled.

I inhaled and nearly stabbed my own hand with my claws. "Saria, do you think..."

She was staring at me with wide, green eyes. I guess I hadn't really initiated any conversations before now.

"Do you think..." I pulled my crystal out of my pocket. "Could you help me make a chain for this?"

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