chapter 20: moms??

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chapter written by MEEEEEEE AstroLink.

Third Person POV

A knock maybe after an hour of being home was to be heard. Elore slowly opened the door to see two other players on each side of Samuel, "HI!" one spoke, she had long hair with hair that faded from dark blonde to a pink, and her eyes were icy blue, like Sam's, she wore a really big white shirt over her leggings. The other had greenish brown and blue eyes with short dirty blonde hair, she wore a green hoodie and blue jeans. Sam frowned under his mask after he realized, this is gonna end horribly.

The three walked in, the girl with the white shirt holding his hand and the other wandering her eyes over the house. "you fixed the crack in the ceiling?" the hoodie one said unimpressed "yes mother" Sam strangled out of him "mother??" Saria turned her attention from the baby to Sam, Saria grinned handing the baby to Murphy and walking over to the girls "Hi! Im Saria" she smiled "Im Ashlynn" she grinned shaking Saria's hand "and Im Abby" "nice to meet you two!" Saria grinned, Elore was unintentionally glaring at Sam "excuse me, could you not stare ma'dam?" Ash scowled at her "s-sorry" Elore felt, intimidated she didn't know why...

After a couple hours of talking on the couch and eating a small lunch "mom" Sam's voice cracked, Ash whipped her head towards him in worry and quickly stood taking off his mask and checking him "Ash, what are you doing" Abby held in her laugh "mom, I was trying to ask when you were ready to leave" he stated with a blush gently pushing her hands away, she placed them on her hips "you should've spoke faster if you were" she frowned "I'll be back" headed towards the bathroom and shut the door behind her "HAHAHAHA" Elore could finally explode out, as did Abby.

Elore,she rolled on the floor, then sat back up quickly as she heard the bathroom door whip open, Ash stormed out then grabbed Abby's hand pulling her back into the bathroom with her. Everyone stayed silent wondering what was happening, they both came out one was cracking up laughing and the other was death glaring the back of Elore's head.

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