Chapter 1: Stranger

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Elore's POV
This chapter was written by hyenagal

My head was screaming, not to mention I had no clue where I was. I sat up, and quickly had to lay back down.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out the end crystal I had stolen. It was simultaneously warm and cold, and it reminded me of home. I groaned. My stomach ached horribly. How long had I been out?

Then I heard singing. Someone was singing. I managed to prop myself up on my elbow to look out a window. All I could see were trees. Wait...was I in a tree?

As soon as I tried to look my head throbbed again. Holy steak on a stick it hurt.

A door opened. I quickly flopped back down and shut my eyes. I didn't want to know who it was, or what they were going to do to me.

Whoever it was, they were singing away quite happily. It sounded like a girl. I opened one eye, but I couldn't see her.

Milk and bread. This was irritating. I tried to lift my head up again.

"La la la di da da..." It was an ocelot. I didn't know they could sing.

I sat up ever so slightly to get a better look at her. She looked really young. Was she even old enough to take care of herself? Wait, no, the way she walked, she had to be an adult. But she was so little...

Oh whoops, that's right, ocelots are naturally that small. I stretched my neck up a little more. Why was an ocelot living in a freaking tree? I winced as my head throbbed again. She was so small, I could probably throw her. But, looking her over, she was definitely a full-grown ocelot.

Suddenly she stopped. I quickly laid down again. "I forgot to check the garden!"

Oh. Just that. My head wasn't hurting as bad anymore, so I tried to sit up again.

Unfortunately, I did so just as she turned to look at me.

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