chapter 16: The Middle

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AstroLink wrote this

I ran outside and plopped face first in the now knee deep snow. I giggled as Sam picked my up by my shoulders out of the snow, My fur was covered in snow and my clothes were now cold and wet. Again. Sam brought me back in and stuffed me in front of an electric heater. Murphy sat next to me with a blanket covering both of us. I grinned. "where did Elore go" I asked concerned "to get you clothes," Sam replied "she has been gone quite a long time so dont hold me up to it" he said nervously "I... I have to leave" He rushingly put on his coat and ran out the door slamming it behind him.

Elore just then came in with my clothes in a bed comforter "I couldn't find anything to put them in" she giggled slightly. I grinned "At least your not hurt, I read a book and snow doesn't hurt enderman" she shook her head " I just dont like snow, It's cold and wet and weird" she put on the bed comforter and sealed the opening with her hand from the inside, I giggle at how she looked. "you have anything better to wear" she asked snarkily not really being a question, "not really but I know there's shops, and I bet they have clothes for your size" I smile.

I grab some clothes and half taking of my shirt in the living room I walk to Murphy's bedroom.

third person POV

Murphy blushed as red as a cherry tomato as he watched Saria half take off her shirt, he looked away until he knew she was gone. Elore on the other hand,wasn't fazed at all. Saria walked back out in a purple puff coat with black puffy ear-muffs thick looking black socks black leggings and brown uggy boots. She grinned and smiled with her eyes, "I'm ready" she giggled. Murphy looked concerned as he stared at her grin, "dear, please dont stay out long" he hesitated for a moment "I, dont want you getting sick" he lied.

Saria just nodded half listening to him and grabbed Elore's hand walking out the door. Murphy waved bye at the two girls as they walked on the sidewalk, Elore was trying to keep warm while Saria acted like the temperature was as normal, but what Elore didn't like specifically about this snow was. It's the middle of summer, Saria didn't keep track of the months she didn't realize, but Elore knew. She knew.

Saria and her had been to many stores buying many clothes, but not all for Elore. Saria was also buying herself some cute bikinis and shorts since they were half priced. Elore noticed that many of the citizens were hiding, not only from her but also something else, something terrible. They ran into Sam and he had his mask off and his longish short hair into a short ponytail, he stared at them trying to find words "Sam! your so handsome with out your mask" Saria shouted grinning trying to boost his confidence, force of habit from living with 5 brothers. He just stared frightened, his eyes life-less and scared.

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