Chapter 19: Demon Child

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This chapter written by: hyenagal
Elore's POV

No. I wasn't happy about Saria bringing that thing home. Unfortunately, I am really bad at talking people out of things. Especially Saria. She was too cute.

Murphy was no help at all. He thought that demon baby was "so cute!"

I was tempted to wait until midnight and then throw it out the window.

Not to mention how weird Sam had been acting. I had an awful feeling in my gut about it. In fact, after all the weird stuff that had happened, I was starting to feel nauseous.

"Saria..." I clutched my crystal in my palm. She looked up from the demon baby. "I'm going out for a bit." I pointed toward the door.

"Oh, okay. Have fun!"

I teleported out. Directly into a snowbank. Just my luck.

I shrieked as snow went up my shirt and hit my back. "Cold cold cold!"

"Yes, snow is cold."

I pulled myself out of the snowbank and turned toward Samuel's voice. He was back to wearing his mask. "Listen, I am new to this whole "snow" thing. I lived in the End up until six months ago."

He chuckled to himself. "Well, I suggest you get used to it. It happens a lot around here."

"What is this about, Samuel?"

"It's none of your business, and if you poke too deep you're gonna get hurt."

"I did that when I threatened to assassinate my queen." I folded my arms across my chest and glared into his mask's eyeholes. "I swear, Samuel, whatever is going on, if it hurts Saria I will kill you. Personally. Do we have a deal?"

"You should know I'm not the bad guy here."


"You can't hold me responsible for this."

"Whether you are responsible or not, you are not solving the problem, therefore you are part of the problem. Do we have a deal, or need I kill you now?"

Samuel was silent for a moment. "Fine. If any harm comes to Saria you can have my head."

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