chapter 4: dinner

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Chapter by AstroLink

I ran on all fours away from the creeper dropping my basket full of veggies. I stood afraid a couple feet behind Elore watching her crystal drop from her hand then strike the creeper, I grab the crystal to make sure its not broken or dirtied. I rub it on my denim button up shirt a little and hold onto it watching her stand there staring at the gunpowder left behind from the creeper, she slowly turns to me and I shut my eyes tight scared for what might happen next.

She takes the crystal from my hands very gently and softly, I open my eyes slowly and look up at her still frightened. "are you alright?" she asked as I nodded "are you gonna leave?" I questioned. She stays silent and helps me pick up my veggies and put them back in the basket, we walked silently back to the house with me clenching my basket to my chest and being alert and her walking in front from it being almost night.

We both hear rustling in the bushes behind us and we do a fast turn staring at them "stay here" Elore quietly says. out popped a cave spider hissing then stopping staring up at Elore sweating "s-sorry" cave spider says as she runs away. We get back to the house and Elore crawls until she gets to the couch with is only six feet long, she lays her head and back on it with her legs hanging off. she pulls her bandana over her eyes and stays quiet "wash up Elore I'm making dinner and I want you to be clean the bathroom is the red door" I tell her hoping she listens. I walk to the kitchen and prepare dinner cooking vegetable soup with bread I had made this morning, she crawls into the kitchen and sits on the floor next to the dining room table the chairs being too short for her. I smile at the fact I have company, Ive had visitors but mostly their travelers wanting directions. I set the bowls of soup on the table with the bread and butter "what would you like to dri-" I stop at the hearing of a knock on my door, "be back" I say out loud for her to wait as I walk to the door.

"hi are you Saria?" asked a cat not an ocelot but a tamer looking one with different patterns on his coat and face "yes sir, whom may you be?" I asked him "I'm Leo, I'm here to deliver a package to this residence" he answered, I nod as I take the package "have a nice one" he smiles as he walks down the spiral stairs. I shut the door and place the package gently on the couch and go back to the kitchen washing my hands and sitting at the table smiling "who was that?" Elore asked "a mailman I think.. we don't have mailmen here, or at this time." I frown "we'll deal with it after dinner" I said as she nodded.

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