Chapter 17: Wrong

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This chapter written by hyenagal
Elore's POV

I wasn't one to ruin Saria's fun, but really? Snow in the summer? Something wasn't right. Not to mention that awful thunderstorm. I might have been new to the overworld, but something felt off.

"How about this?" She held up a bright pink winter coat.

"Um, Saria, I don't think that's gonna fit."

"Not for you, silly, for me!" She laughed. "Pretty cute, isn't it?"

What was with this small thing and pink? Everything she had bought was pink. "I guess."

She beamed. "Yay!"

I rolled my eyes. She was so excitable.

Then I caught a glimpse of the cashier. He kept his eyes low, away from me as expected, but his face...

Something was definitely wrong. I turned back to Saria. "Maybe we should go back home."

"No! We still haven't found any clothes for you!"

I sighed and rubbed the bridge of my nose. "I don't think we're going to. Saria, people don't usually sell things to endermen." We're kind of the murderers of the overworld.

"I'm not going home until I find something for you!" She pouted as she jabbed me in the chest with her finger. I was kind of surprised she could even reach. "Now come on, to the next store!"

I sighed. It was like herding cats. No, wait, it was herding a cat. I smirked at my own joke before following Saria out of the store.

She began skipping down the road. Suddenly a huge chill ran up my spine. "Saria wait!" I tried to scream, but it got caught in my throat. Was this fear? Was this the fear I had never known?

Samuel was walking down the road, mask off, hair tied up. Saria stopped to talk to him. I had to watch her in complete silence.

I looked around. There were no people. Not even a monster within sight. I swallowed hard.

Samuel was the only human as far as the eye could see. And frankly, I didn't want to know why he was so scared.

"Saria..." I finally managed to choke out. "We need to go. Now."

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