Chapter 11: Murphy

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Elore's POV
This chapter was written by hyenagal

I could feel my body being ripped apart. The rain was brutal. Between the water dissolving my scales, and my teleportation desperately trying to get me out of the wet, I was practically being torn in half.

Plus Saria had gone missing. I shouldn't have let her talk me into this.

I began running frantically through the village, searching for shelter. As important as finding Saria was, at this rate, I'd die before I did. My health was depleting rapidly.

Suddenly, I tripped. I screamed as I fell into a puddle. My health had dropped so low I could barely find my feet under me. I threw up.

"Are you okay?" Someone grabbed me and pulled me back to my feet.

I wobbled a little. "I need..." I coughed, and braced myself to puke again. Fortunately, I didn't. "I need shelter, please..."

He grabbed my hand and began pulling me forward. "Come on then!"

It was only a few seconds before he dragged me into a little house. I collapsed on the floor. I was down to one heart. I was that close to dying in the rain.

"I'm sorry for tripping you. Please don't kill me."

"I won't." I whispered. That was the most I could do.

"Thank you." He handed me some bread. "If you don't mind, I need to go back out now. My friend Samuel is out there, and I don't need him getting hurt in this storm."

Thunder cracked. I somehow managed to eat a little bit of the bread. "S-S-S-" I shivered-"Samuel? A player?"

"Yeah." His voice was hesitant.

"I've been looking for him."

"What for?"

"He..." I had to stop to keep from throwing up again. "I'm here on account of my friend. She was told to send a letter to him. I volunteered to take it to him, so I could repay her for saving my life."

"Your...your friend...what was her name?"

I managed to look at my rescuer, although he was still a little blurry. He looked like a tamed cat. "Sa..." I coughed again. "Saria."

His face lit up in a grin. "So she liked it? She liked my gift?"

I forced myself to sit up as I finished the bread. "Yeah..." I felt a small smirk form on my face. "So you're the loser who wrote that cheesy love letter?"

"I'm not a loser!" He exclaimed, and then his face began to turn red. "...she thought it was cheesy?"

"Oh no." I laughed. "She loved it. Thought it was romantic and sweet. I thought it was cheesy."

He knelt next to me. "Do you have her letter?"

"Nope. I lost it in the rain." I was so glad he couldn't see the smug look I had hidden under my bandanna. "It's pretty big. About four feet tall, big pair of spotted ears, and these big, round, green eyes..."

"You brought her!" He was blushing so hard it looked like he might melt.

"She couldn't think of anything to write. By the way, shouldn't you be finding Samuel?"

"Crap! Right!" He ran back to the door.

It swung open just then. "Hey, Murphy, do we have some extra food for a lovely young lady?"

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