Prologue Saria

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I was sitting on the couch at my parent's house while my brothers and sister were outside playing with the neighbors' kids. My mother suddenly stood in front of the TV and stared sternly, "Saria, you need to find your own house. Your almost twenty and your father is getting older not being able to work as hard as before to raise six children including you." I sighed loudly and ignored her rolling my eyes knowing she wouldn't actually do anything "fine. be that way" she walked away as I felt victorious I didn't know she had packed my things. As I went to my room I noticed it was empty other than my bed which was bare, "Mother?? where is my stuff?" she answered from another room "outside" "w-why?" she answered calmly "I'm kicking you out Saria." I stared at her and breathed calmly walking outside to grab my bags then ran off.

Its already been twenty-four hours since I've been kicked out and I was feeling slightly betrayed. Suddenly I heard a thud on the ground and I turn to see an enderman that was badly hurt I quickly drop my bags and open one grabbing my emergency med kit rushing so hard made me kinda dizzy but I rushed to clean and wrap her. I place her under a tree along with my bags and started on my house.

Its been six months since I've been kicked out, built a house, and found the enderman. Her wound has healed and left a giant scar but she is still unconscious, I've found a way to feed and water her. My house is in the trees kind of looking like a tiki but rounder and in the trees, my mother doesn't know where I live and hasn't visited and I sorta miss my siblings. Ive grown fond of having my own home to call mine.

sorry I haven't wrote my chapter earlier also sorry about it being not really long nor as good as hers wrote by: AstroLink. No need for me to tag myself I'm not on there anymore 

 No need for me to tag myself I'm not on there anymore 

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