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be social. be socially excepted, who needs a degree when people like the way you look? you don't need to go to college. high schools where it's at. why do you think it was created? social status. you really think people made high school as a preparation for college?! hahhhhhaaaaahhaaaa!!!RICH BBBBE MOOORREE SOciAL!


"Rich?" there was a faint voice that seemed to be trying to reach me. I didn't know where it was coming from. It sounded familiar, but I couldn't understand what the voice was trying to say. In the distance, there was a sharp beeping sound that penetrated my skull. Something else was different too. For once I couldn't hear the nagging voices that lived in my head.

The squip was gone.

Gone for now at least, It would probably come back.

"Please come back! I can't loose you too..." sobbing. Someone was crying over me. For me. Because of what I had done, I thought everyone was going to shun me for what I did, I mean, that's what I would do. "I-I need you,"

So guess what I did. It was the first (but hopefully not last) decision I had made without my squip. I opened my eyes.

Jake. Jake was crying over me. I was laying in a hospital bed, feeling very weak. I tried to sit up, stopping when a splitting pain ran through my head. The squip. It was gone but its consequences were engraved into my skull.

"Oh gosh! R-Rich!" Jake was crying, tears pouring down his face. He had his stutter back, so that meant his squip was gone too. He was sitting in a wheel chair. Oh gosh. I messed up. Not only did I hurt myself but I nearly killed my best friend. "I-I was so worried!" Jake leaned over the side of the bed to softly hug me. Trying not to inflict pain. Sweet.

"Hah!" I laughed, the best I could do for now. An idiot sets his house on fire and all he can do is laugh. "You think I would leave you behind?" I smiled, it hurt to smile. It really did. It felt like I was in the fire all over again. "What's the damage?"

"You fractured a f-few bones when you landed and you were covered in glass when you got here. They did a decent job, I mean your face isn't as messed up as b-before," he teased. Blushing. After all this drama Jake was still being Jake.

"Shut up," I smiled, "and what's wrong with you?" my eyes trailed down to his leg, which was covered in a white cast, he must have gotten around because he had about ten signatures.

"What a nice way to put it," he twirled a pen between his fingers, hands laying on his lap. I was always so fascinated when he gazed off into space like that. I wonder what he was thinking? (Probably, 'my best friend is an idiot').

"You know what I mean,"

"Well I can't really walk anymore, thanks to you, idiot," Jake's super-serious glare was back. I hadn't seen it in so long I forgot what it looked like. I wish it had gone away for good. I hated when Jake was mad at me. It wasn't right. It wasn't my fault. My squip did it. Which now my best friend will have to suffer the consequences.

I wonder who else was effected.

" No,  I  was  crying!  "

- Brooke  (  Rich  Set  A  Fire  )

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