「 4 」

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It was the final week of my hospitality, and I was bored to death. Nothing to do, I couldn't exactly sleep. I had been sleeping for weeks. How long did it take to heal exactly? Too long. Way too long. Jake came around every once in a while checking on me. Micheal as well. Jeremy Heere even came once with Micheal. I think their dating or something. I asked which just made Micheal flustered and left Jeremy in denial.

It was kind of funny to watch. Even though that isn't the right thing to do, make your friends really uncomfortable.

Whatever. It was one joy I got of being out of school. I got to see a few of my friends. The girl Chloe, who seemed to be all over my case actually came in one day asking how I was feeling. Days later I got a measly 'get well soon' card from her.

She didn't even write her name, she had stamped it. Which meant she had a stamp of her name somewhere in that prissy house of hers. Why I cared so much about people who barley know me, globing onto the infamous thing that happened I don't know.

The one thing they don't tell you in the hospital is how much time you get alone. It's highly aggravating. You sit alone, you think alone, you eat alone. You're all so alone. It gets REALLY boring. I even asked Jake to get me a book. Yes, a book.

I couldn't remember the last time I read a book, maybe the first grade.

He had gotten me a book called To Break In A Glove. A book about sports, which kind of bored and interests me at the same time. I had a love/hate relationship with sports. Then I had asked Jake to get me a book about music. He must have misheard me and gotten me a book about music-als. Which I guess was OK.

Better then I had originally thought at least.

Then the greatest day of my small little life came, I got to go home! I got to see my dog, my unhappy but pleased parents. I also got to see my room. I had nearly forgotten what it looked like, a mess. It still pleased me to be back home.

I mean, I'm still in pain. But I'm good. It was all good, until school rolled around. Remember when I had wanted to go back? I should have stayed in the hospital.

People were glad to see me, some people even decorated my locker, with hopes of luck and get wells. Some people were happy to see me back, others not so much. Sure I was popular and unpopular before but never like this. The school was divided into people who were glad I was ok and others who wished I had transferred out of the school.

I was glad to see Jake at school, sure I had to wheelchair him around but that was just plain fun. We got to leave class early as a 'head start' in front of the student crowd. The latest news was Jeremy was dating Christine which was good for him. Micheal seemed to be like a third wheel, and Jake seemed to be a bit upset after being dumped by Christine. Of course he assured me he was fine.

I had forgotten how much drama was in school. I mean, next to the original drama, I was a month behind on the new and old drama. Who dumped who, who dated who.

I had a lot of catching up to do, in a social and academic way.

" Save the pitiful children, "

- Be More Chill Company (Pitiful Children)

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