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HE Seettt Aaaa ffiIIrrEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!


Two hours later, I was still sitting in my hospital bed waiting for Jake. Every passing day felt longer, and every second I was alone seemed to drag on. How much longer was I stuck in this hospital for? I had never thought I would admit it - but I really missed school. Test and all.

I missed Jake always there, it was boring just talking to myself for an hour a day. I didn't get all of the details, I wanted to experience school again. I still had a week of hospital time. I didn't know if I would be able to make it.

"Rich!" Jake's voice broke my deep thought process. Had I lost track of time? Was school over already? Jake wheeled into the small hospital room, "you have company!" Jake beamed, and Micheal Mell walked into the room. Micheal was that kid who was always hanging around POST-Squiped Jeremy. The guy who I ruined his life by telling him about the Squip. I was doing that a lot lately, ruining lives.

"Hey man, how ya feeling?" Micheal walked to the side of the bed, he was holding a tiny bag. Another pity gift. I kept getting pity gifts or as they liked to call it 'get well soon' gifts. "I brought you something, it probably seems dumb or whatever but it's something," I would never admit it to anyone (not even Jake). But I had a tiny crush on Micheal.

"Thanks dude," I cringed when I had lisped, now that he Squip was gone I was doing it more often. When someone wasn't there constantly nagging you to do something you got lazy and started to do it again. Or that's what I had learned. I opened the bag, it was a CD of my favorite rock band. How Micheal knew my favorite band he I had no idea.

Apparently, a new album had been released when I had been sitting in the hospital. Micheal (with my permission, he wanted to know if it would 'hurt') hugged me beaming. I looked over Micheal's shoulder at Jake who looked happy and upset at the same time. Of course. Jake had told Micheal my favorite rock band, my best friend would know that.

After visiting hours, the nurse told me that I needed sleep. Apparently, I had been staring at the wall for too long. Thanks to me and my Squip being the only ones in the room when I started the fire, I didn't need to go to some sort of mental illness hospital. The story that Jake was telling people was that the fire was started by the stove being left on. Smart.

I was still annoyed, why did I have to be stuck in a hospital? I felt fine, I was healed up. This was annoying, my best friend could leave why couldn't I? I suddenly had a massive respect for people who got paid to come here every day helping patients that were miserable. Like me.


- Be More Chill Company (Rich Set A Fire)

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