「 5 」

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I caannttt do this allloneeee


Yep, still hated school. We had about three more months of the school year. I took down the get well decorations the second I got to school. How embarrassing to have the whole school my case.

And Jake.

I felt terrible that he was stuck in a wheelchair probably his whole life because of me. At least I could walk, wince in pain and get over it. He'll always be in pain. The pain of not walking.

I caught him watching the football practice, which I had only signed up with him in freshman year just to have something on my college application. He looked so depressed, watching everyone running back and forth across the felid.

I wanted to hug him.

Then he started crying. I took him by surprise, walking up to him like that. He jumped, pulling his old sweatshirt sleeves up to wipe away a few tears. They kept coming. I sat them for a bit silently, then I wheel him out of there. Probably the one perk - I could easily take him out of situations.

"Where a-are we going?" he whimpered. I smiled, he loved surprises. So why not surprise him?

"I was going to take you out to, I dunno- the bookstore?" his face lit up as we left the school area. The bookstore was not that far from our school so it was easy to take him over. He loved the bookstore. We spent about three hours sitting in the special lgbtq+ section. Which Jake loved reading.

I offered to pay for his three books he bought. He accepted my offer after a lot of debate.

He seemed happy, for the first time in a very long time. Jake was happy. With me.

That's a first.

" You upgraded, "

- The Squip (Pitiful Children)

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