「 2.5 」

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Buurrnnn DOWN THE HOUSEEE!!!!!!



Jenna : yeah! check his feed!!

Brooke : I saw!

Chloe : I HAD NO IDEA...

Brooke : I know!


Jake : how's the hospital

Rich : quiet... can you visit me? soonish??

Jake : as soon as school lets out... : )

Rich : TWO HOURS?!?!!?! text me when you're done w/ your class at least?!!

Jake : alright :D

Rich : thanks jakey!

Jake : NP...


Micheal : So how's rich? must be lonely at the hospital? does he want anyone to visit him, i could come if that's cool...

Jake : sure! he'd love someone other then me coming over... he might be getting tired of me...

Micheal : hes your best friend. he'd never get tired of you! let me know what times are his visiting hours, i could come anytime between 3-8 pm tomorrow.

Jake : you could come around 4:40? his hours are 3-6...

Micheal : how much longer does he have??

Jake : three weeks, has to have the burns heal... it must be painful...

Micheal : oh yeah... how... are you??

Jake : me?

Micheal : yeah, about not being able to walk and stuff. will you ever be able to walk again?? how's the wheelchair?

Jake : i'll have to get used to it. it's not going away any time soon... (also the doctors say i probably won't be able to walk again so that's - bad?)

Micheal : wow.

Jake : yea, see you tomorrow i guess...

Micheal : mind if i bring Jeremy? he wants to see rich....

Jake : more the merrier right?

Micheal : right...


" Did ya hear did ya hear? "

- Be More Chill Company (Rich Set A Fire)

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