「 19 」

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warning: kinda sad, not triggering, just sad.

ohgmshgsfg RICHARD YOU MESSED UP!!!!!!asdhf!!!!!!asdkfhsaudjf!!!!!uwaei!!!!!!!adfkaisdhfaugr


We spend the entirety of that day on the road. Neither of us decides to bring up my tantrum. Jake instead of talking to me, turns on the radio. To some sort of rock song. He sang along. You see, it's hard to stay mad at someone who - when he sang along - made even screaming voices sound angelic.

"Tell me I'm an angel! TAKE THIS TO MY GRAVE!"

So. Frickin'. Cute.

"How do you know what they're saying?" I blurt, Jake gasped slapping me on the arm. Here's the thing about Jake - you could never have an awkward conversation with him. That's what I loved about him. No, not loved, liked. Yeah, liked. Smooth. "Meanie," I whispered, gripping the wheel of the car and watching Jake stutter in the corner of my eye.

"I'M the meanie?!" Jake squeaked, "Your dissing MCR! One of the best bands ev-" I smirked, his rambling was adorable. I let my hand holding his. Jake smiled and dropped the conversation going back to singing him RCM. Or whatever.

"Is this really necessary?" I complained, trying to get Jake to remove the bandana from my face. He had told me to turn into an interstate he must have recognized. I parked the car and he rushed to make sure I didn't see anything.

"Yes! Trust me, my grandma took me he(e)re once," Jake walked me down a hill, it was a paved pathway. I held onto the back of his wheelchair for support. My eyes covered. He wasn't that good at directing but I forgave him because he was being all flustered about it. At one point I tripped over a rock that he must have served and he was a mess. "I-I'm sorry Rich!" I told him it was fine.

After what must have been fifteen hours (or my imagination going insane) Jake finally told me to take the bandana off. It took a few seconds for my eyes to adjust to the bright light of the midday.

He took me to a beautiful waterfall, we were on a bike pathway near one of the many rocks surrounding the river that the waterfall spilled into. I looked over at Jake, he had tears in his eyes. Why was he crying?

"Jakey?" he reached for me. I bent over to hug him. He reminded me of a toddler, so fragile and small. "What's wrong?" His forehead bumped my chin and he smiled, sadly.

"My grandmother used to take me here when I was younger, and n-now she wouldn't dare sit in the same car with me. She hates me!" Jake whispered. I never wanted to see Jake this hurt ever again. It tore my heart to pieces. I felt a wave of emotions. "She's homophobic," he said. It explained everything. The reason he so desperately needed to be here.

"S-She's the real reason I was scared,"

"Scared?" I urged him to say more, he nodded.

"I was scared to come out because I knew that she would never accept me, I was planning to move out after that coffee date of ours. I didn't care where - I was going to leave without telling them. Then your idea popped into my head and I couldn't say no. It was too perfect. Plus these few days have been the best days of my life," Jake whispered, I help him. Or I tried. Even in the wheelchair, he was pretty tall.

"Thank you, Rich," he whispered, I stood there, bearing the silence. "Thank you,"

Well damn.

" woaahhhhooohhh! "

- Company ( Rich Set A Fire )

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