「 8 」

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One thing about Jake that I had forgotten, was that he was a jock. He was also totally annoyed that I had signed him up without asking. The whole 'getting into the basketball team' thing was rigged. Coach just picked his favorite people on the team and Jake happened to be one of them.

"How could you sign me up without telling me?" Jake sighed, wheeling his way to his locker. His face scrunched up in annoyance as he couldn't reach his book. I happily got it for him as a token of peace. He ignored that token and kept getting on me for being the best friend ever. "Dude, I can't play in this chair!" he whined.

"Uh, yes you can," so this was basically our conversation. I told him he could and he did. He wasn't much of a fighter. Plus, I knew he would enjoy himself on this team. He would be the center of attention too. Which he rarely was. "KID IN WHEELCHAIR WINS STATES" would probably be everywhere. Jake was one of the best people on the team last year, who says he couldn't be this year?

Correction, he can't play. I tried taking him to a court to practice. He tried as hard as he could, he just couldn't get the ball into the net. Before the fire, Jake was really tall. Like taller than me tall. Which anyone could technically be taller than me because let's face it. I'm short.

But, Jake wasn't used to shooting sitting down, so his aim was all messed up. Which stunk, because I really thought this was going to work out. I still bought him a Gatorade because as I said before I'm the best friend ever.

It was late at night when Rich was awakened by someone at the door. Thinking it must have been Jake or the pizza he had ordered, Rich happily walked up to the door. He opened it to a surprise. A big mess of a surprise. Jeremy Heere was standing in the doorway, shivering and glancing awkwardly off.

"Hey man?" I stepped to the side to offer him inside. He shook his head frantically. Something was dead wrong. "What's wr-ong?" I nearly cringed inward at my voice crack. Back when I had The Squip it prevented stuff like this. Now that I had to live through it, it made it ten times worse when it happened knowing I could have prevented it with say, a Squip.

"Rich," Heere started his conversation without a hesitation in his voice. He looked so strong standing on my doorstep holding his head high. "Do you ever feel like terribly in love and you have no idea what to say to that so-called lover?" I felt my stomach knot up. Jeremy couldn't be in love with me, could he? I wouldn't want to break the guy's heart... over something like this.

"I mean, I like am in love with someone, I'm r-really confused," Jeremy's face was beet red. I couldn't tell if it was from the conversation or if it was the change in temperature. "Can you like both girls and guys?" he blurted.

I stared at him, oh god. He had no idea.

"Jeremy, deep breaths. No passin' out on my doorstep dude. I don't want the police thinking I killed someone," I cracked a grin to lighten the mood. Jeremy looked on the verge of crying his eyes out and wanting to punch me in the face. Which I deserved. For more than one reason. "Yes, you can like both girls and boys," I said softly.

"O-Okay," he mumbled something under his breath and started walking backward in a hurry, "thanks, Rich!" he turned to sprint down the street. From where I could see, to Michaels house.

"I BETTER GET WEDDING INVITATIONS!" I screamed, hoping that would wake not just Michael, but the entire neighboorhood up.

" My big mistake was showing up! "

- Michael Mell / George Salazar ( Michael In The Bathroom )

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