「 7 」

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TERRIBLE! such a sLOB~!!


It would have been fine if the voice had come and gone in a snap. but it was here to stay, and I knew that. I knew that my Squip wasn't just going to pick up and leave after one little hospital incidents. It was smarter than that, heck, it was a stinking computer. It was smarter than anything.

I noticed one day in Math class how the answers just came to me like they did when I had the Squip before the fire. I was a bit worried considering the Squip almost killed me. But I ignored the signs and hoped that I was just getting seriously good at Algebra.


The next day after that the voice was back again, but this time it was verbal. And this time, it was giving me a serious headache.

RICHCHHHH. Guess who's going to pass their Algebra homework?!?! yOU!

I ignored it because it was obviously malfunctioning. Instead of the steady, sober voice that usually rested in the back of my mind, it sounded like a drunken girl. High-pitched voices and all. It was hard to concentrate in school, considering I had a voice in my head YELLING all the answers to the test. I had to make sure nobody else heard it too.

Lunch was the worst. Social acceptance seemed to be its new goal so whenever we walked by a group of girls it would scream something like-




It was honestly draining trying to please it. So I pretended it didn't exist, and I tried to talk to Jake during lunch ignoring all the protests from my Squip. Who kept telling me not to hang out with 'wheelchair loser'. Once popular and has now sunken too low to be qualified as a friend. Who cares about popularity? I liked Jake and he was still somewhat popular because of the fire.

The Squip didn't care. The fire was supposed to make me 'tougher' or something dumb like that. All it did was give me a colossal headache. Now the Squip was back and worse than ever.

Jake was sitting alone at lunch when I walked up to him. He seemed a bit bummed out, when I asked him about it he told me sign-ups for the fall basketball team were posted and he really wanted to do it. I almost asked him why not? Then I had almost slapped myself. DuH, his wheelchair.

Although, that gave me an idea.

I had seen so many facebook stories about wheelchair kids playing basketball so why couldn't Jake try out? He would be an advantage to the team. Nobody would mess with him. Who would want to get in the way of some guy in a wheelchair? He could totally run you over.

So - I signed Jake up.

" I feel the pressure blowing up, "

- Michael Mell / George Salazar (Michael In The Bathroom)

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