「 23.5 」

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Rich's POV

Eventually, Jake and I woke up for the day. I helped him get into his wheelchair and we went down the hall. We were in Michaels -- surprisingly big -- apartment. For a split second, I worried about my mother killing me for leaving again, without telling her where I was going.

Michael was sitting on a bar stool in his kitchen. How he afforded to pay for this place -- I had no idea. It was on the richer side of town, the side of town where you had to hold open your own doors when going places, because nobody would hold a door open for you. He smiled when he saw me and Jake enter. Then he saw my face, clear as day. I was terrified that my mother was going to yell at me for going away again. When I brought this up to Michael he just said--

"Chill Rich, I already called your mom, I told her you were behind on studying and I offered to pull an all-nighter to catch you up on school work." Michael grinned. He handed Jake an I a slip of paper. Forged doctors notes. Each a copy to give to every one of our teachers. I looked at Michael with a new respect.

"Jesus, you're like a real-life Veronica Sawyer," I complimented, and rolled Jake over to the couch. Where I collapsed. Michael grinned.

"Yep," Michael sighed, walking over to the couch and leaning on the armrest. "and if your parents ask what you learned -- the mitochondria is the powerhouse of--?" I looked to Jake, who rolled his eyes at Michael.

"The cell," he smirked. We both already knew that because of freaking Vine. Michael was happy, he jumped off the side of the couch.

"Good job boys! you've learned everything you need to study," Jake reached to grab a pillow off the couch and threw it at Michael.

"YOU LOSER! I LEARNED THAT FROM VINE!" Jake laughed, as Michael dodged the pillow.

"BUT I TAUGHT IT TO YOU!" Michael sighed, pretend to give up and then throwing the pillow back at Jake. "RICH YOUR BOYFRIEND DOSN'T APPRECIATE ME!"

"MICHAEL I HAVE A METAL CHAIR AND I AM NOT AFRAID TO USE IT!" Jake threatened Michael crossed his arms over his chest.

"Yeah? And I've got an' overprotective boyf riend! SEE YOU IN COURT GOOD SIR!" I listened to their bickering. I didn't know what was stupider, their conversation or me listening to their conversation.

"Ima find Jeremy," I muttered, rolling my eyes and walking off so I didn't have to be apart of their squabbling. I walked to find Jeremy's bedroom. When I found him he was on his computer. He was scrolling through some Tumblr site. He grinned when I walked in. I noticed he was looking at some fanfiction between two characters on some TV show I didn't watch.

"How's it going?" Jeremy turned to me, sitting in his office chair he swiveled around to face me. I sat down on the bed -- enjoying the posters for video games and movies Jeremy had put up on the walls. It made me feel right at home. I was never really too close to Jeremy, but maybe he and I could be really close friends?

" You Were Always Quite The Loser -- JERMEY! "

- Jeremys Squip

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