「 6 」

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One thing was for sure, I would never light a candle again. Or go to a campfire, or sit by the fireplace. Needless to say, I would never do anything with fire ever again. Not even if my life depended on it. Which ironically at one point, it had. I couldn't believe I had almost thrown it all away. My social status, my best friend, my life. Just so I could satisfy the voices in my head.

It feels like some sick twisted TV show where the main character has to choose between life or death.

I think I just discovered the plot of If I Stay.

Anyways, I was bored one weekend. I wanted to know what unpopular people did on weekends. I should have called Micheal or Jeremy and asked them but that sounded kind of rude. Hey, you're unpopular what do you do by yourself on weekends? Who was I kidding, the probably stayed home alone and acted bored on weekends together. I needed a loser friend. Which was very unhelpful because of my only friend - Jake - was something way far from a loser.

He's legit perfect.

And look at me, I can't even choose what Netflix original show I want to start binge watching. Who was I kidding, that was a universal problem across the human race. What to watch on TV. So I called Jake and asked him what he was doing. He told me a family movie night. Which meant that he couldn't leave the house until 10. So I had to entertain myself. What did one do for three hours by themselves?

So I decided to do my homework. Which was totally nerdy of me. Homework was a last minute Sunday chore. But, here I was sitting down at the kitchen counter watching the clock and doing my Algebra work. I was confused with all the numbers and letter but I wrote a bunch of gibberish down hoping it would work. Math wasn't my strong suit. It made me miss my Squip.

It used to do all my homework for me, now? Now I was stuck with no super quantum unit intel processor, and my own human brain. Around 9 I wanted to tear my eyes out. I officially had finished my homework, counted all the tiles on the ceiling and ate a bowl of cereal. Which I had counted the number of seconds it took for me to eat. Around two minutes. Finally, it was 10 and Jake had invited himself inside. A thing we had been doing since we were kids.

"Hey, do anything exciting?" he joined me at the kitchen counter, rolling himself next to me. I grinned at his usual bubbly personality. I almost forgot about his chair. Almost. I thought about his question, replaying the stuff I had been doing.


"Wanna eat junk food and watch TV until we crash?"


So, as you could expect that was how the night went down. We watched TV and ate junk food until we collapsed on the couch from exhaustion. Well, Jake in his chair. Another reminder of why I am a terrible person.

Yes, you are.

I looked at the clock, snapping out of my dreamless sleep. I looked up in horror, it was around midnight. I heard it, I had heard it again. The Squip is back, and it was in no rush of leaving me and my slowly broken life alone. I couldn't wake up Jake, what would I even say?

Hey, the voice in my head is back.

Just what you need to hear from your friend when you wake them up. He would probably think I was sleep deprived. In a way I kind of am. Maybe I am, I close my eyes and try to fall asleep again. I can't stop hearing the voice though.

Yes, you are.

Things were about to get way messier.


- Brooke (Rich Set A Fire)

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