Chapter One ♕

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"Hey babe" I heard Beau calling Alison, Jealousy filled my body. Alison smirked at me. I was hoping that today wont be as bad as yesterday "Sophie!" Beau called. I turned around "Oh Hi" I smiled weakly "you're acting really weird lately. Are you okay?" "Yeah, I-Im fine" "okay, if you ever need me just call me!" "Thanks" I just wish we were more than just best friends.

As soon as I turned around I saw one of Alison's friends 'Melissa' come towards me, I looked away but she came to me and said "Leave Beau and Alison alone!" And pushed me on the floor. Beau came running asking what happened "I tripped over something" I lied, I felt bad for lying to him but I didn't wanna cause problems. I saw Alison shooting Melissa a death glare, she thinks Beau saw how Melissa pushed me. 1st lesson I had Math and sadly Alison is in the same class as me. Oh what a lovely way to start my day. I went to class and sat, I zoned out thinking if me and Beau and going to stay best friends for ever... "Ms Marin are you okay?" Asked Mrs Lancaster "Oh umm y-yes" Alison looked back at me,putting on a smirk,I looked down,not wanting her to shove my head in the locker or anything like that. The bell rang making me jump out of my skin, I collected my books and went to put my books in the locker. Once I turned I saw Alison and her gang of bullies surrounding me. I didn't know what to do, I tried to get out of the circle of bullies I was in but I couldn't. "Listen! If you don't stop talking to Beau you'll regret it and you know what I mean when I say you'll regret it." Alison spoke walking closer to me, "Oka-" before I could complete my sentence, Alison punched me in the face and my nose was bleeding. I ran to the toilet and thoughts started running through my head. I don't deserve to live. I'm worthless. I'm ugly. No one wants me here anyway. I grabbed my blade and started cutting my wrist hoping to hit the vein. When I was done I put my bracelets on and wiped the blood on my arm with some tissue. I walked out to see Beau, he started questioning me "SOPHIE WHAT HAPPENED" he asked almost screaming, "nothing Beau" I answered. "What do you mean nothing?" "Nothing Beau just leave me alone I don't wanna talk." I pulled my hand out of his grip and walked away with tears streaming down my cheeks.


When I got home I checked my phone to see 21 missed calls and 13 text messages all of them were from Beau.






Beau: :(

Beau: please sophie?

Beau: hello?

Beau: answer please

Beau: im so worried :((

Beau: answer pleasee? Let me know you're okay?

Beau: please

Beau: answer

Sophie: Sorry. Im fine.

Beau: OMG FINALLY! I've been worried sick! come to my place now. I wanna know whats going on. X

I sighed thinking if I should go.

What if Alison is gonna be there?

What if he doesnt believe me if I tell him about Alison?

Oh come on you dont even have the guts to tell him yourself Sophie..

I decided to go since I had nothing else to do, I mean what could go wrong when I'm with Beau?

I quickly washed my face from all the crying and put on some foundation and concealer, I got dressed into something comfortable and cute. I made sure to cover my scars with a jacket this time.

I walked out of my house and ran to Beaus house. I rang the bell nervously, Beau answered the door and the first thing he did was hug me, I breathed in his scent and Obviously I hugged back how could I not ?

"I was worried sick about you, What happened and why werent you answering any of my calls?!" He practically shouted.


"Okay okay.. Im sorry I shouted at you. I was just- never mind anyway come in and then we can talk" he smiled

I came in and sat on the sofa, im usually more comfortable with him but i didnt feel comfortable for some reason right now. I found out the reason when I saw Alison walking down Beau's staircase wearing her slutty clothes that were literally showing most of her skin. "Beau, I think Im gonna go now" "but you just came because we needed to talk and we didnt even start"he frowned. "Save it Beau, I have to leave anyway" Alison whispered something in Beaus ear and left his house "Never mind I'll stay" I said feeling happy because she left, "okay so tell me whats wrong Sophie" "its honestly nothing" i smiled weakly hoping he would believe me "Nothing? I heard you crying in the toilet though" "I w-wasn't crying" I was thinking if I should tell him or not but maybe if I did he wouldn't believe me. "Oh beau there's a history project coming up, do you wanna be my partner?" I asked trying to change the subject "Yeah sure!"

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