Chapter Eight ♕

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"what are you guys doing" Beau said glaring at Jai, Jai raised an eye brow at him confusingly "why is she here?" Alison spoke pointing at me "shes here because shes Beaus best friend and Beau cares for her and loves her." Jai said, I face palmed myself at Jais words, Alison gasped "not as much as I love you baby" Beau whispered in her ear, my heart broke, I mean I already knew that he loved her more, oh come on he doesnt even 'love' me, but he didnt have to say that here in front of me to hurt my feelings. "Thanks Beau, you're such a nice best friend." I said sarcastically and walked out of the room as Alison smirked.

"Why are you going already" luke asked

"Luke, ive been here for like an hour"

"I know but why cant you stay longer?" He frowned

"Because Alison is here."

"Oh. Then Jai and I will come over to your house"


Beau came out of the room with Alison "where are you guys going?" Beau asked curiously

"To sophies house with Jai" Luke answered smirking at Beau

"You cant go!" Beau shouted

"Why not?" Lukes smirk grew wider

"Because I said so" his jaw clenched

"Well we're going anyway. Atleast you'll have your girlfriend with you"

"Just let them go, we'll have the house to our selves" Alison winked at Beau

"Actually Gina's here and Im sure she wouldnt wanna here moaning in the house while shes cooking." I spoke disguisted

Alison gasped at my words "why is SHE your best friend anyway"

"I dont even know." Beau scuffed sending me a death glare, I was taken back by his answer, my heart shattered into pieces

"I-I cant believe I thought you cared about me." I ran out of the house with my jacket, trying to hold back the tears, I dont even think I was going the right way to my house but I didnt care one bit. I know Im being a little too dramatic but I just lost my best friend. The only person that actually understood me. I hope Alisons happy that she got what she wanted. Im relieved that I got my blade with me, As soon as I saw a bench I laid my bag on it and sat down unzipping it to look for my blade, I found it and grabbed it then hid it behind my bag so no one can see my scars, I began to cut through my skin causing my wrist to bleed, I grabbed my water bottle out of my bag and used it to wash my wrist. "Finally. I found you!" Luke spoke out of know where causing me to jump "wait w-what the fuck are you doing sophie and whats that on your wrist?" Luke asked with a worried expression "Im um washing my hands?" "You-you're a self harmer" Luke gasped.

"Um L-Luke I was just washing my hands" I stuttered "Im not stupid enough to believe that statement" He spoke. Suddenly Jai reached out of breath "So-phie why d-id you run a-way?" Jai asked "Sophie do you self harm?" Luke said completely ignoring what Jai just said, Jai's eyes widened at me "Let me see your wrists soph" Jai said as he came closer to me, he lifted my sleeves not allowing Luke to look "There are no cuts or scars" Jai said looking at me and back at Luke "we'll talk about this later" jai whispered in my ear. Luke raised one eyebrow and then said "okay fine I believe you, now let's take you home" Luke said. I just nodded and picked my bag up, ready to go.


"What did beau say after I left?" I asked while walking with luke and Jai to my house

"Nothing he just face palmed and went to his room with Alison"

"I caught them making out in beaus room too" Jai added sighing

"You didnt have to tell me that"

"Sorry" he apologized

"Its fine"

"Wait you like beau right?" Luke asked

"Obviously I like him he's my best friend... Well was.."

"No like do you have a crush on him?"

"Yes i mean no" i blushed

"You do oh my God"

"Its obvious luke" Jai laughed

I covered my face embarrassed.

I got to my house and instantly heard my parents arguing as soon as I walked in my house with Luke and Jai...

"Oh look, we have some visitors in this house.." My mum spoke gritting her teeth while staring at my dad, she looked broken, big huge bags under her eyes, tear stained cheeks and messed up hair and mascara.

"Get them out of here!" My dad shouted

"Luke and Jai, can you two come back tomorrow after school please?" I asked awkwardly "im sorry" i whispered

"Sure" they both said in sync "text us." Luke whispered back, they both left the house

"Why did you come home at this time? Its late." My dad shouted. He has never shouted at me like that before.

"I-I- always come home at this time and its only 6Pm" i spoke with a shaky voice

"you are not allowed to go out with your friends anymore. Not even Beau!"

"Wait what."

"You heard what I said! Now go sleep, selfish brat" what the fuck.

"But its only 6"

"Go now before I grab you by your hair to your room!" He has never been this harsh

I ran up stairs with my bag and laid on my bed staring at my phone waiting to at least get one text from Beau until. I gave up and texted Luke and Jai

Sophie: hi sorry about my dad.

Luke: finally!! We were worried about u.

Jai: its okay.. : )

Sophie: did you hear anything after you left??

Jai: we heard a bit of shouting

Sophie: oh. Im going to sleep. Night.

Luke: did Beau text u yet tho?

Sophie: sadly.. No

Luke: oh okay Night.

Jai: G'night



Yay new update, what do you think of this chapter???:) love you all

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