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"Just 'cause you love someone, you don't just treat them bad

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"Just 'cause you love someone, you don't just treat them bad."

Beep, beep, beep.

Rosè snatched her phone off the charger from the nightstand and hurriedly tapped the "Stop" button on her iPhone before dropping it beside her on the bed. Her mouth opened widely to let out a yawn before she got up and blinked whatever sleep tried to creep in her eyes from the light nap she took two hours ago. As usual, she was beating her alarm in waking up and getting ready to start her day.

Rozai's tail wagged as Rosè grabbed her chain off the dresser, grabbed her phone, and headed down the stairs in the gym attire she had put on. Amora was sound asleep on the couch so Rosè made sure to stay quiet as she poured some cereal for her and dog food for Rozai.

She looked down at her phone and started a "BlackGirlsRock" podcast, listening in to her two favorite hosts talk about women empowerment as she finished her meal.

Once done, she clipped the leash to Rozai and jogged out the house. She had started a new route ever since she and Kai parted, because of this, she and Zaida only saw each other at work and didn't really run together anymore.

Rozai wasn't used to it yet but it wasn't like she had a choice anyway. Rosè had been doing everything differently just to make sure that she never bumped into Kaivar again but it was harder than you thought when dealing with someone that was extremely popular on almost every social media and was always on the "Explore" page of some shit.

Yes, Rosè had been feeling regret ever since she started work back up. She had sold out her relationship to please someone that didn't even matter but this was her reputation. She wasn't just anyone anymore; she was a business agent. She would have to answer to clients.

Her ponytail swayed side to side as she jogged up the streets, below the trees, and through the neighborhoods.

"Yeah, I believe women tend to belittle themselves for the sake of um... men, y'know? To lift them up and make them feel bigger than they are. Because what man wants a woman that's more dominant and more, y'know, powerful in a sense than him? It's the man's job to protect and, um, serve. Whilst women were created for men to lift up and motivate. So that's really, really important when thinking.. 'well why is he so controlling?', y'know? He wants to take control so that he can appear bigger." Dash, one of the hosts of the podcasts announced her opinion on the woman-to-man dominance and submissive theory.

Lotus, the second host, let out a small chuckle. "You know, Dash, you could be right but..," she paused as people began to laugh a little in the background. "Hear me out, hear me out. In the Bible, women came from man, okay? In this world, you cannot create a man without a woman, okay? Men need women to, as you said, motivate and lift up. Men need that. Women shouldn't belittle themselves for men, men should lift themselves up for women, dammit!"

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