EL| The beginning of the end - 23

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"Say my name like you hate me

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"Say my name like you hate me."

"I just wanna lay down!" Rosè exclaimed as she slumped down onto the bed, trying to kick her shoes off one by one only to fail. Kai came up behind her slowly and pulled her shoes off, shaking his head as he chuckled. He dropped the shoes on the ground before turning her around and going between her legs, crawling up her body and giving her a brief kiss on the lips. Rosè huffed, looking up to the ceiling.

"What are we doing?" Kai asked.

Rosè was silent for a while, perhaps considering his question and what he meant by it. "Hm?" She let stumble out after not having an idea what he was asking her.

"What are we doing?" He repeated again. "With this relationship."

Rosè opened her mouth to speak then closed it again. I didn't know this was a relationship. She thought to herself before looking up at him in his eyes. They were dark but she could still read him like a book. "I don't know..."

"Do you see us... going anywhere from here?" He questioned, squinting a bit.

"Honestly? Yes." She replied. "I hope..., shit. Marriage? Kids..., living together.."

"Okay, because I have a question..." He said before sitting up, his face stern as if he was thinking about something.

Rosè sat up too, lifting a single brow. "Okay..."

"I wanna—"

"If it's be together, I don't know yet because you still need to get tested for fucking with that nasty ass hoe. Pussy been everywhere and I don't want the aftermath on—"

"Rosè , shut up. Like really, shut the fuck up. You always ruining some shit, I wasn't even about to ask to be with your big head ass any fucking way, bro." Kai shut her down quickly, his eyes almost rolling out of his sockets though he couldn't quite roll them correctly. They just went up towards the ceiling and sat there for a while before he looked back at her. "It's about the manager shit..., I wanna do that. And, I saw some shit... with YouTube couples? Most of 'em at even really together for real so I was thinking maybe we could do something like that?"

Rosè was quiet for a while, pondering. "The YouTube shit is a bit childish, honestly, and it could interfere with our work... we don't have a lot of time on our hands as is and would have to choose, you know? But I'd love to be your manager and help out with that part." She finally said after a while.

"Nah, think about it. Both of our jobs are dealing with social networking and networking anyway... plus I'm big poppin' on social media, especially right now. Everybody basically keeping tabs on me." Kai explained, getting a bit excited. "We can update once a week so time isn't even an issue and you definitely don't have to choose, come on."

Endless Love | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now