EL | Is it love? - 18

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"Nothing in life comes easy; but damn when shit is going good, it feels that way

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"Nothing in life comes easy; but damn when shit is going good, it feels that way."

Kai pulled up to the hotel slowly, his eyes scanning the area to see if he could see Rosè who said she was going to be waiting outside. The hotel was modernized, several floors high as the lights bounced off his Mercedes. Shrubs and plants were planted around the circular drive-thru of the entrance. He got out the car and let valet take it, tipping them with a twenty as he pulled his duffel bag out the backseat. When he looked over to the entrance, he saw Rosè coming out the revolving doors with her duffel bag, a purse, and a smile. She was dressed casually in some tight fitting jeans and a halter top that pushed her breasts up, strapped nude heels to finish off the look with her hair pulled up in a neat bun.

"'Bout time." She complained, holding her arm as the bag's weight held it down. "Was starting to think—"

He gave her a kiss to stop her sentence. "You gon' hold that against me every time we make plans?" He asked, referring to the time he left her hanging when they had planned to be sleep buddies at the beginning.

Rosè looked up at him with a sly grin. "Maybe." She replied before turning towards the door and heading inside.

Kai followed behind her before reaching for her bag. "Come on, I got you." He said.

"Okay, if you say so." She chuckled before handing over the heavy bag.

As soon as it was in his hands he felt the weight and almost struggled to hold it up. If he were any weaker, he would've been dragging it but luckily for him he lifted way more than this on a down day. "The fuck you got in here?"

"Watch your mouth—"

"Fuck that, you bringing a dead body to the room? Let me know now because I ain't trying to be paying extra—"

"Shut up, Kai. Shut the fuck up. If it's gonna be a dead body anywhere, it's gonna be yours." She argued over him, walking up to the desk where the receptionist was laughing at them.

"Y'all are so cute." She complimented, shaking her head as she had a giggle fit.

Rosè smiled, shaking her head as well. "How many nights?" She asked, turning around to look at Kai, pulling her wallet from the purse that was draped on her forearm.

"Chill, I got it." Kai said as he pulled his wallet from his pocket and dropped both of their bags. "Three nights, a suite, highest floor if possible."

Rosè's eyes followed him during all his moments before shooting back to the receptionist. Despite recent events, it was obvious that she was really trying with him.

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