EL | Rejection - 08

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"The only chance you have at unhappiness is by not trying to be happy at all

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"The only chance you have at unhappiness is by not trying to be happy at all. Only then will you truly just be sad."

         Soft moans hit up to the ceiling as Greg kissed Zaida's neck. Her mind was everywhere as she tried to find a reason to stop everything from happening, but she was in ecstasy. Greg was doing all the right things to get her to her edge— her waters flowing as bit down into her neck, sucking aggressively to leave a hickie.

Zaida leaned back just a little, her arms leveraging her up, as Greg pressed against her.

It had been three years since Zai pronounced herself celibate but since she had a couple of drinks down on the beach with the group, she was feeling a little loose in every department. Of course, Greg was going to take advantage over what could be an once in a lifetime opportunity to make love to the woman he loved— which sounds so bad when you put it like that. It seemed like she was hanging her past on a string right above his head.

Everyone else was at a small get-together and they were up in the room, having what could be considered as a "make-out session".

Zaida's hands were everywhere as she pulled and pushed him, undetermined if she wanted him or wanted to stop. Greg was also taking advantage of her uncertainty, rubbing between her legs under her Bodies of Water cover-up. Underneath, one of her breasts were exposed from the V-cut of the Marbleous swimsuit she wore. He cupped her breast and gave her hickies from her neck to her collarbone that were so dark on her golden skin that it would take a lot to make them disappear in three days.

Her head tilted back and she found herself feening as he picked her up from the bed, holding her in midair as set small pecks to her navel. He laid her back down on the bed, this time laying her back on the mattress and moving the bottom part of her one-piece swimsuit to the side. He hurried to kiss her rose in its wet state before she could say no.

She held onto his head, arching her back a little as she looked back at the headboard. Feeling his tongue travel from her thighs to her clit had her mind doing cartwheels.

You gotta stop this, she thought as he traced a finger around her entrance. He's gonna take the cookie and leave, just like the rest.

Her moan showed how bad she wanted it as her body shivered right in his hands. Greg was a very attractive man, therefore it wasn't hard for him to get her to this very position often— it was the execution process of actually doing it that was the struggle. However, he felt closer than ever as she dug her fingernails into his head, palming at her deep waves.

Greg is different, he wouldn't do that to you. He's proven himself. Three years? Come on, girl. He deserves this, she found herself arguing with herself in her mind— only being able to focus half heartedly due to her being in a pure daze.

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