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"Don't get caught up loving someone you told yourself to let go

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"Don't get caught up loving someone you told yourself to let go. You'll only catch yourself."
~the past, the future

          The next morning, Rosè rose from her bed with a slight headache. She looked over to her right and saw Christian still sound asleep on the left bed by the wall. Rosè grabbed her phone and saw that it was only 9:32AM which meant that he would probably sleep in to 11:30.

She flipped the covers from around her and made her way to her luggage so that she could pick her outfit, wash up, and go down for something to eat.

Suddenly, her phone started to ring loudly in the room. She hurried back to her phone and picked it up, looking over to Christian to make sure she hadn't woke him up.

"Hello?" She answered, not looking at the caller ID.

"Hey, we're all meeting this restaurant called Blue not far from the hotel for breakfast. You coming?" From the voice, she could tell that it was Jewelle who was calling her so she no longer had to look.

"Yeah, who all going?" Rosè asked as she walked back to her suitcase to see which outfit she was going to wear for the day.

"Well, Justice is still sleep so it's me, Zaida, and Greg. Um, I invited Kai and he said he's going and he's bringing his friend and his girl." She said trying to take it easy on the "his girl" part of the sentence. "I don't want you to be uncomfortable though so—"

"Chill, I'm good." Rosè said nonchalantly, especially after last night. "I'll wake Chris up and see if he wants to go then I'll meet y'all down there. Okay?"

"Okay, cool. See you in a minute then." Jewelle said before hanging up.

Rosè pulled out a cute rose-pink mini dress that would look perfect with her nude strapped heels and joined with a jean jacket. Then, she turned around and walked over to Chris, shaking him gently to see if he would get up. A couple of shakes later, his head rose from the pillow and he looked at her with dizzy eyes.

"We're all going out for breakfast, you wanna come?" She asked, noticing that her words were going right over his head as he laid back down.

"No, just bring me something back. My head is killing me." He told her groggily. "You got some Advil or something?"

Rosè shook her head. "Nah, but mine hurt too so I'll probably pick up some on my way back."

He nodded before covering his head with the large fluffy cover.

She chuckled a little bit as she got up and walked away, heading towards the bathroom. She used her Victoria's Secret Ultra Rich Cream Wash joined with some Dove soap and a razor blade to handle her hygiene. Under the water, she felt herself doing her daily daze only this time it felt more like a flashback.

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