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"How do you make your own decisions without thinking of people that are not your own self

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"How do you make your own decisions without thinking of people that are not your own self."

         Rosè's laughter filled the bedroom as it erupted from the phone; a video of her and Kai playing basketball in the arcade seemed to be going viral with "goals" written everywhere. Royale was more annoyed than she had been in a really long time. All Dash and Lotus had to do was distract Kai for a little longer and Rosè would've done something else with her life. Now she had to take it into her own hands once again.

She knew she couldn't keep Rosè to her word the moment they made a deal and though she had let go of the lawsuit she damn sure had other ways to get back at her. After three years, she figured Rosè would be over everything but somehow Kai was still putting himself in her path. Royale couldn't understand it— it had never been that what between her and Kai. He never fought for her. They would just come to an agreement on whether or not they wanted to still be together and that was that.

But with Rosè, it was different. And Royale hated it.

Watching it from afar on every vacation, every event, behind the scenes wherever Lotus was whether she was sitting afar in a car or in the vey next room, Royale noticed every difference.

What made her so different? Why did he want her? And even after lurking his and her page for hours, she couldn't get an answer.

"I can't believe I considered this girl a friend." Royale groaned under her breath as she swiped pass the video, rolling her eyes.

She was home for once instead of at work, laying against her headboard with her phone cupped in her hands. Her long weave slithered down her arms and back delicately as she lounged in peace. Her face was calm despite her insides feeling frantic.

Suddenly, a picture of Lotus's face came into view with the options to decline or accept the call. She let out a deep breath before tapping the green icon to accept the call, propping herself up on one arm before putting the phone to her ear. She flipped her hair out the way and waited a while before actually saying something.

"Hello?" She finally said, snatching the bitterness from her voice.

"Okay, so where's the money?" Lotus asked through the phone almost immediately.

Royale rolled her eyes, sneering. "What money?" She got back.

Lotus scoffed, laughing a little to herself. "Don't play with me, Royale. The money, the money you were paying us to try to fix your little situation—"

"Try? Or do?" Royale questioned. "Because last I checked, I was paying you to fix it. Not try. And as long as your side is unfinished, you're broke. However, the deal stands until its fixed. At least for Dash."

"At least for Dash?" Lotus chuckled. "Really?"

Royale was silent, a grim smile sitting on her face as she stared blankly ahead. She was living words unsaid for a reason; nothing would be held against her when it was her time to strike.

Endless Love | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now