EL| The greatest moment - 29

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      Kai sat in the doctors' office throwing his prescription bottle up in the air before catching it and repeating until the doctor finally came in with a closed lip smile

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Kai sat in the doctors' office throwing his prescription bottle up in the air before catching it and repeating until the doctor finally came in with a closed lip smile. Kai gave a quick one back, not wanting to prolong his visit. He just simply wanted an update and to leave with good news and the ability to fuck his girlfriend.

He had been antsy and a little bit upset on a level on pussy could fix, plus Rosè was taking him out tonight so he wanted to be able to really show his appreciation. Another reason he didn't want to be there was simply because ever since Syrah's death, he hated hospitals.

"Good morning, Mr. Bellazan." The doctor spoke before taking a seat, looking down to his clipboard.

"Good morning." He replied simply before showing him the empty bottle.

"Well, after conducting another test, it seems you will not be needing those anymore." The man explained, a smile dancing under his lips as he reached his hand out. "Now, all we have to do is cut straight to the chase and discuss ways to prevent this from coming back— protective sex, being aware of your partners, not having too many partners at once..."

His words began to fade as the list grew longer, the only thing on Kai's mind being Rosè at the moment. That was going to make his plans tonight even more perfect.


    After organizing the files in the cabinet, Rosè sighed and looked around the office. Another two days had gone by and Jewelle and Amora were avoiding her calls. She had tried texting so many times but she wasn't getting an answer. The whole thing made Rosè feel like a failure as a sister as if they were punishing her for not truly being there when they needed her.

She had been using work, Kai, and the house search as means to keep her mind off it but Amora didn't even come home anymore. She started to wonder if she went too hard on her about the Zaida thing, and the fact that she had to hear about her being pregnant through Zaida was heart hitting enough. It was like she had completely lost the strong bonds she once had with her sisters.

She wanted it back.

A light knock pulled her from her daydream. She turned around and saw Adrian in the doorway with a small smile.

"Someone is here to see you." She said calmly before gesturing behind her. When Rosè saw who came in next, she almost jumped across her desk and tackled her but she kept calm and plastered a friendly smile for the sake of her job.

"Hi, Rosè." Lotus said as the door closed behind her.

"Hi, you look a lot different from the last time I saw you— more sane and less... diseased." Rosè spat in a friendly tone as she sat down behind her desk.

Lotus chuckled calmly. "Cute, Rosè, cute. Right when I thought maybe you were mature."

"Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot we were best friends. What brings you by?" She asked in a sarcastic tone, gesturing for her to take a seat in front of her.

Endless Love | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now