EL | Consistency - 11

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"Putting yourself in the arms of betrayal, is setting yourself up for hurt

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"Putting yourself in the arms of betrayal, is setting yourself up for hurt."

Kai watched from the next room through the window as Lotus and Dash did their daily thing on the radio. He had left Rosè on read and was focused on Lotus fine ass.

"Honesty and trust are two very important factors in a relationship to me." Lotus said into the microphone, her headphones in, as she looked over to Dash. "Because you can't get anywhere without those two. It's like if you keep building up secrets and shit, eventually it'll sink the whole ship because it's like water weight... that shit will take everybody down."

Kaivar couldn't help but feel a bit targeted by the topic of trust and relationships. Even though Lotus and Kaivar hadn't established a real relationship or anything in terms of them being together, Lotus had been iffy about Kai since he came to the room at like three in the morning over the trip. Even though she didn't say anything about it, he still could guess she felt a type of way.

"How should people go about gaining trust though?" Dash asked, looking over at her.

"I feel like going in to a relationship, it should be a given. If someone hasn't shown you otherwise then you should have no reason to not trust them. You can't hold your past relationships as a hurdle for other relationships. It should be just a hurdle of your past that you jumped over to get to your next relationship, which could signify as the finish line sometimes." Lotus answered, smiling as she spoke with her hands.

Dash nodded in understanding. For Lotus to only be twenty-three, she was extremely wise for her young age. Typically, females are still figuring shit out by then but she seemed to have it all together.

"Well, this was BlackGirlsRock with ya girl Dash and Lotus—"

"Or Lolo..." Lotus blurted out in a sing-song tone.

"Tune into our podcast or catch right back here on the weekdays in the mornings, same time, same place. We love ya, muah!" Dash said before blowing a kiss into the microphone and shutting everything down.

"And we're off." Someone in the back yelled out.

Lotus and Dash took their headphones off, getting up from their chairs before walking out of the booth. Kai smiled when he looked down at Lotus.

"So, what did you think?" Lotus asked, wrapping her arms around him. "I did good?"

"You did perfect." Kaivar complimented, picking at her curls.

"So we did okay with promoting your grand opening and everything?" Dash asked as they turned and started walking towards the front.

"Yeah, y'all made it sound tight as hell." He said before looking down at Lotus who had let him go. "Where you wanna go for dinner?"

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