EL | Truth will set you free - 14

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"Whoever said the truth would set you free and make you happy?"~no one

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"Whoever said the truth would set you free and make you happy?"
~no one.

Kai's grand opening was starting to simmer down and still no one had really noticed that he had disappeared from the party. There were so many people that anyone could show up and leave without even really being seen. The turn out was great but as it started to wind down so did the cool atmosphere. Lotus had caused a scene because she couldn't find Kai or Rosè, Stephon and anyone that knew the two had already come to conclusions of where they may be. Stephon had to have security escort Lotus out before shutting the party down.

Lotus was embarrassed, disappointed, and upset all in one. She was a celebrity after all and majority of the guests were local celebrities or a little more minor just like her. However, there were also some important media sources in attendance so she knew there would be some backfire to her actions in the morning.

However, she was more worried about Kai and what he and Rosè really had going on. Lotus had never had reasons to be jealous or dislike a woman over a man she was dating because things like this didn't happen to her. Men felt honored to have Lotus Otagio claim them as a partner but why did Kai feel different? She knew she shouldn't feel a type of way considering where she stood on the relationship ground but she couldn't shake this feeling. She wanted Kai and the feeling of him wanting her and only her.

And she knew just what to do to get what she wanted.


    The next day, the party was the talk of the media. MediaTakeOut, TMZ, and even The Shaderoom was all covering stories about Lotus, Kai, and the party where the scene took place. Not only were they openly bashing Lotus but they were talking about the mystery woman, Rosè, and who she was to the celebrity's boyfriend. This may had been a bad thing for Lotus, but it was working wonders for everyone else.

Rosè looked down at her phone, viewing the upset texts from Christian that was all in favor of Kai's actions of not letting him in the party last night.

How do you even deal with that guy? He's classless as hell. HQ is blowing up with your name because of this guy AGAIN, on almost every social media outlet TSR, MTO, TMZ all has you, Lotus Otagio, and him in the same sentence.

Rosè sighed, turning her attention to the sleeping Kaivar that was just starting to wake up. She had got him some Advil and water for his oncoming headache that she knew was an after effect of his hangover.

He groaned as he sat up from the couch, looking over to the glass of water and pills before even focusing his eyes on Rosè.

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