EL| Starting Trouble - 24

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"Your enemy isn't always your enemy

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"Your enemy isn't always your enemy."
~ unknown

Amora and Jewelle sat across from each other in the small restaurant as both looked at their own separate menus, the setting seeming calm although they personally weren't. Both of the sisters had a lot on their mind and who they usually went to seemed so unavailable all of a sudden. They missed her as a sister and a friend, even telling her that would be a read text message. They couldn't just sit around waiting on her to help correct their life though, they had to take action on their own.

Sitting at the booth as others occasionally walked by casually, chatting in their own conversations, and minding their own business, while Jewelle and Amora sat in silence. They didn't know who should spill the tea first and who's was worse at this point.

Amora sighed, trying to see where she was even going with the news at this point. It was her idea to come eat here in the first place.

"I'm thinking about telling Greg about the baby soon... I'm just still uneasy." Amora admitted to her younger sister as she placed the menu down and folded her hands in front of her.

Jewelle placed her menu down too. "I been told you to do that, I don't know why you're so worked up about it." She told her calmly.

"Because... it's Greg's. Greg is the baby's daddy." Amora finally told her, tossing her hand at the air as if she was literally throwing the news out. Jewelle was quiet for a while, just staring at her sister with obvious disbelief.

"How long has that been going on? Does Rosè know?" Jewelle started bombarding her with questions, her eyes wide the whole time. "Now, I understand why you wouldn't want to tell anyone that, that's crazy."

Amora sighed heavily, sitting back. "Rosè caught me and Greg having sex in the driveway of her house." She laughed thinking about the memory. "She was pissed and left the same night. She hasn't spoken to me and I haven't seen her since, which I understand since Zaida is her best friend, but that don't mean—"

"You know how Rosè is, you just gotta give her time to really process things." Jewelle told her. "But in her driveway? That's... wow. You think she's gonna tell Zaida?"

"Uh, I don't kno—" Amora hurried to cut her sentence short as the waitress finally made her way over to their table, pulling out a pen and a notepad to take their order.

"Hi, my name is Celia. I apologize for the long wait, we're really busy today and running low on hands so.. are you guys ready to order?" The woman asked as she looked between the two girls for an answer. "I can take drinks first if you would like."

"Um," Amora paused before picking her menu back up. "Yes, I would actually like to have... the burger combo with bacon, actually can I get extra bacon on it?"

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