EL| Switch lanes - 20

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"You can't keep secrets but they can keep you

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"You can't keep secrets but they can keep you."

"You still haven't moved out?" Gwendolyn asked, her short shoulder length hair brushing against the fabric of the long sleeve shirt she was wearing as her maple-brown eyes peered into the dazed face of Amora— who was standing a few feet away in the office's break room by the microwave, propped up subtly. "I thought you were apartment hunting so fast?"

Amora shook her head, giving a shrug as she untwisted the cap to the water bottle. "My sister is supposed to be selling me her house so that was on hold." She told her before lifting it to her soft lips and darting her eyes from the blank wall to the middle aged woman who Amora had been working for since the internship in college. They had a mother-daughter bond stronger than the one she once wanted with the woman that birthed her. If there was anyone she considered a family, or friend, it was Gwen.

"Y'all still haven't talked about the price?" Gwen asked, looking from her bottle to her. "And you making me worry, you barely ever drink water— more of a coffee person."

Amora nodded to acknowledge her observation though she didn't care to verbally.

It was obvious that she was out of it mentally, her eyes seemed dazed and worried. In reality, her mind was on Greg and how, and if, she was going to tell him the news of the baby. She wasn't even sure if she was going to tell anyone else about it, however, she did know that she was going to keep it— she saw what the abortion did to Rosè and she didn't want to go through that. But she knew it would be hard to go through it alone.

Gwen opened her mouth to say something about her weird silence, which was out of her character, but quickly clamped it shut when two white men— Edison and Charlie– walked into the scene. Edison was the team leader for their section so if he was in there then that meant he was looking for someone precise.

"Zamora?" He called out, Charlie— the site's manager, at his side. "Can I talk to you for a bit?"

Amora put her water bottle down, offering a kind smile as she walked over to Edison. She followed him out into the empty hallway, her eyes darting from him to Charlie nervously.

It was true that Amora did her job well and it was no secret that she was in line for promotion but she was clueless to what this meeting could be about.

"This is Charles, you know him and I know you've seen him around just like he knows you. He had brought to my attention some of your recent work and I have an offer for you—  declining won't effect your position here but it is a great opportunity and I'm sure you would take it into high consideration?" Edison started as Amora looked up to him.

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