EL| Turning point - 28

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"Be careful with who you think you love

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"Be careful with who you think you love."

A week later

"Just remember to do your thing, okay? Make the public love you." Rosè advised as she fixed Kai's tie. Kaivar looked down at her with loving eyes, a lazy smile on his face as he blinked slowly. She looked up at him and scrunched her face up a bit. "What?"

"You're so beautiful, Ro. I love you, man." He told her as the crowd got loud with claps in the background.

Rosè smiled up at him, butterflies forming in her stomach almost immediately. "You're so stupid.. I love you too. Now, get ready."

"I'm ready, I'm ready." He told her as he looked around his dressing room. He wasn't nervous for a second, he was actually happy to be on this talk show with Ashley Lauren, she was one of the most talked about talk hosts out. Rosè has been forming a relationship with her ever since they met at an all white party she forced Kai to attend with her. "Call your sister again while I'm up there, okay? I know your mind is everywhere."

Rosè stared into his chest for a while before nodding. "Okay, but don't worry about me. It's your time to shine, remember?" She looked up at him and gave a closed mouth smile.

Kai opened his mouth to reply, his hands reaching for her waist as he pulled her closer, but he was interrupted by the the door opening and a white man with a button up shirt entering.

"On in five." He said, holding his palm up to give a physical representation of what he said.

Kai nodded before the man left, closing the door behind him. "I love you and it's our day because I wouldn't be here without you." He reminded her before giving her a kiss and pushing her back gently.

She smiled, shaking her head, following him out the door that separated them from the loud backstage. She sighed, making her way to the stage as the audience began to cheer and whistle.

"You've probably seen him all over social media, everywhere. The sexy, chocolate gym freak, Kaivar Bellazan." Ashley introduced, drawing out his name as if she was announcing the next heavy weight champion.

Kai, in his black Armani suit and Givenchy loafers, walked out confidently with his head held high and the brightest smile on his face as he almost literally got drooled on by every female in the crowd. His gold Rolex shone brightly under the lights, his dark eyes holding a glow that was similar. Rosè couldn't help but smile as she watched him prance all the way to the couch like the proudest man on Earth.

Show out then, daddy, she thought as she watched Ashley shake his hand and gesture for him to sit. "Welcome, it's so nice to have you with us today." Ashley said with a bright smile.

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