EL | Rise and falls - 17

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"Just because they say they love you, doesn't mean they do

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"Just because they say they love you, doesn't mean they do."

          Rosè got out the car, looking towards the car in her driveway suspiciously. It was oddly familiar but she couldn't quite put her finger on it as she approached it, noticing how it rocked a little from whatever movement was going on inside. She was just then coming from the hospital where she had dropped Noelle off to get her stomach pumped from all the pills she had discovered she was taking.

As she or closer, she realized that the windows were foggy and from her high school experience she knew exactly what that meant.

Rosè took a deep breath before reaching out and knocking on the window three times. "I know y'all in there and I'm gon' see who in this car either way so..." She trailed off, looking at the window attentively.

After a few minutes, the door opened and Amora got out her first with only one stud earring, messy hair, and a half straightened dress as she looked down at her big sister. Rosè squinted at her before backing up and letting whoever was next get out the car too. Her mouth dropped when she saw that it was Greg.

"Ohhh god..." She groaned, looking up to the sky. "Whyyy!? Why are all niggas trash!?"

"Sis—" Rosè put her hand up to stop her before pointing to the house.

Knowing what that meant, Amora walked away from the group of three and into the house as Rosè turned to Greg. "You have me, her, and Zaida so fucked up... and I promise you.. if you don't tell her, I the fuck will because she has been through too much for you to be doing her like this." She said, pointing in her face. "You have two days until I make this my business."

Greg opened his mouth to say something but Rosè hurried to turn away to signify that she didn't want to hear it as she walked into the house.

"Get away from my damn house!" She yelled out the door before slamming it into the hinges. She turned around and looked at Amora. "Are you serious?"

Amora sat on the couch like the a sheep in black clothing, her eyes low from obvious disappointment. "I knowwww."

"I knowwww— ugh, I can't believe you. Whatever, whatever. My sister out here snatching my friends' niggas, lord Jesus." Putting her hands up and waving them, Rosè decided to retreat to her room instead of draw out this unwanted conversation.

Zaida was her best friend. She felt only half the anger that Zaida was about to feel when she found out— after Jason? Who could tell what she would do at this point. She just hoped she wouldn't have to lose a friend over her sister because regardless of Amora being wrong, family was first and she'd fight for hers.

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