EL| Too much for one day - 25

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"Nothing lasts forever

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"Nothing lasts forever."
~ H.E.R.

        Royale rolled her eyes as Lotus paved the room, going on and on about her reputation and how everything was bullshit. She didn't expect her to catch feelings for Kai and now that she had known all the tea, she no longer even cared. At this point, she just wanted Lotus out of her house so that she could be at peace.

"I see why you hate him and that bitch, they're both so..." She balled her fists up and shook them in the air. "Ugh!"

"Well, I wouldn't say hate but yeah, mhm." Royale said, scrolling on her phone through the comments of her most recent picture. "I mean, you just gotta do what I do and let it go."

Lotus sat down, exhaling. "You're right, I know I'm trippin'. I'm usually a lot more mature about things like this. I've never had like... men problems so to be played like that.. it was.." She sighed, sitting back on the couch. "Yeah, I'm trippin'. He didn't even play me, I played him so why am I the one mad?"

"I don't even know." Royale mumbled only loud enough for her to hear as she continuing playing on her phone obviously disinterested with the whole conversation. 

"So, what's next?" Lotus asked. "Since we're done with this Rosè and Kai shit."

Royale dropped her phone onto her lap and let out a yawn. "Well, I'm about to take a nap. You do what you do, love. Work on ya rep."

Lotus squinted at Royale as she got up and walked off. So just like that? You use me and just toss me to the side? Okay, bet. I guess it's time for me to switch sides too.  She thought as she got up and made her way to the door.

"Goodbye, Royale."


"Girl, I masterbated four times when I got home this morning." Rosè said into the phone, shaking her head. "Four. Times."

Zaida was laughing loudly on the other end as Rosè updated her on what happened throughout the weekend. "I don't know why you frontin', get that meat, sis." She encouraged.

"Listen here, Virgin Mary, you been holding off niggas for a long ass time and look where it got you so I'm good over here. Plus, he just got done fuckin' with the radio ho, he need to cleanse all them sins off his dick before I even think about getting any meat." Rosè told her, spinning around in her new office chair.

Rosè was currently loving life. The promotion and its perks were amazing, Kai was back in her life, and everything just felt good. Nothing could bring her down from her cloud nine.

"Yeah, about that..." Zaida said through a childish, high school girl giggle. "I may have slipped up and actually gave Greg the work."

Rose stopped spinning and returned to earth immediately. "What?"

Endless Love | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now