EL | Tell me who you're loyal to - 15

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"Loyalty will do things to you

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"Loyalty will do things to you."

      Later in the day, Kai found himself over at Keeva's for lunch. He needed something to get over everything that he had just learned and who better than his best friend?

He exited the car and clicked the lock on it, looking around, he noticed his father's car and shook his head. Even after all these years, Rando was still trying his hardest to chase after her. He never gave up and Kai loved and hated it at the same time because he knew even though his mother would never give him a chance again, he would still never give up.

Kai knocked on the door calmly, leaning against the frame as he waited for an answer. After no answer, he knocked again except a little harder. Nothing? He thought before pulling his key out his pocket and connecting it to the keyhole to open it. Keeva's rule was always, knock twice and if she doesn't answer then and only then can they use their key. Kai was the only one that lived by the rule however.

Upon entering, Kai heard a small bump come from upstairs down on the floor. He squinted a little trying not to let his mind wander as he closed the door. Aw hell, he thought. If his father was here and he was hearing bumps, he could only conclude to two things— they were fighting or they were fucking. Kai would have to kill Rando for both.

"Ma!" Kai yelled out, standing in the middle of the entryway.

"What, boy? Why you yellin'?" Keeva came from the living room, holding a small cup.

"You ain't hear me knocking?" Kaivar asked, glaring at her. "And where's dad?"

"Upstairs." Keeva told him before going back into the living room. "I thought you were Rick. He's been blowing up my phone all day."

"Why? What the hell?" He asked, following her into the living room.

She didn't say anything so he just watched as she sat down and resumed whatever was on the television. Keeva never watched TV because she said everything on it was modern day trash so now Kai was really worried.

"You okay?" He asked.

"I'm fine." She retorted quickly. "What's up? You hungry?"

Kai wanted to say no but his stomach grumbled to let her know the truth.

"You need to get you a little girl that can cook like... mm.. never mind." Keeva remarked, waving the topic of Rosè off. "When you were with you-know-who, you never came by. And I was a little upset at first but now..."

"You ain't gotta call her that no more, Ma, damn." He grimaced, looking down at his hands as he held back a cheesy smile. "We good."

"Mm.. that explains why you ain't been over here, huh?" Keeva nodded in understanding.

Kai rolled his eyes. "No, we ain't that good."

"Mm. So who is new in your life that's been keeping you away from home?" She asked.

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