EL | Easy trails - 16

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"Life isn't easy

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"Life isn't easy."

"We really need to talk about Syrah's funeral. We had the little get together but now it's time to actually do it... we've been holding this off for three years." Keeva said in a stern tone, looking to her son that had been there a while now.

Rando was downstairs now too and they all sat at the dinner table having a family dinner like old times. Keeva was finally bringing up the elephant in the room that everyone struggled so hard to ignore inside— nothing was like awkward more than a room with Keeva and Syrah not fighting.

It was especially hard for Keeva being that she wasn't on good terms with Syrah the last they talked, honestly none of them were. It was like a big smack in the face even three years later that they had lost someone so close but when she was here they were so distant.

Syrah made her mistakes, hell, she had a lot of them. Then again, so did everyone else.

After burying her and having a very small memorial, Keeva had a plan but she needed everyone to be able to put into action.

Kai didn't say anything a first but he gave a nod to let her know that he was acknowledging her. "Yeah... but we already buried her." He said, shaking his head

Keeva looked down at her hands. "I understand that but..." her voice started to crack as she found the right words to say. "I don't think that was a proper way to go about that..."

Rando nodded. "I was the last to really talk to her so.. I definitely feel like we need to do this."

Kaivar nodded again before looking down at his phone at the time. He sighed heavily. "Whatever you want to do, mom, I'm in." He told her. "But we will have to discuss it tomorrow because today was... a lot."

All day, Kai's notifications had been going off with mentions on almost every social media outlet, people were following and tagging him under Lotus's picture with another dude, and all the while he was receiving emails to come in for interviews. He hadn't realized that Lotus was that much of a celebrity before but she had definitely got him some clout. He went from 52k on Twitter and Instagram to 75k in just one day, all because of some damn posts.

He didn't remember exactly what happened last night but from the video, he didn't feel too bad. Lotus had him fucked up in a few ways and only one included Rosè. The other way had to do with the outburst of her "making this shit happen" as if he didn't put his own equal amount into promoting and building his own business. Inside he was enraged and fueled with tension but for now he was going to let it slide, he now had other things to worry about.

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