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"Nothing is free

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"Nothing is free. Not even happiness."

      Laughter filled the room as Kaivar recited the happenings before his arrival with Lotus. Rosè had said that she expected that from her because she seemed so sprung up on him even in their early stage of a relationship.

"And mind you, those are just the people she thought of right off the head and that you actually know! Think about the names she could've said knowing you don't know them." Rosè continued, shaking her head. "Everybody can't be Big Rosè."

Kai tilted his head back. "Here we go." He chuckled, shaking his head too. "But I guess you're right, I guess so, but everybody can't be daddy either... like that nigga, Christopher."

"Christopher?" Rosè looked at him with confusion before realization set in. "Christian? You are so annoying, Kaivar, it makes no sense."

They had ordered so much food from a nearby soul food place that a whole square-foot of the room was covered with nothing but food. They had a small piece of sheet out and was having a picnic on the balcony; ribs, chicken, and pizza with fries and a bunch of sides and drinks were scattered out next to the desert of cake and cobbler. A little bit of everything had been touched at this point and they were already full as they gossiped about what had been going on in their lives as of recently, starting with Kai.

"You thought you could replace me—"

"Nah, let me stop you right there because wasn't nobody trying to replace your ass, Kai." Rosè shot, rolling her eyes. "You were the only one trying to replace somebody."

"Girl, I was well aware that no one could replace you." Kai replied calmly, looking down at the pizza in his hand.

"So, why?" She asked.

Kaivar was quiet for a while, trying to figure out what was his purpose exactly. Truth was, he didn't even know. "I needed a distraction."

Rosè was quiet for a while, sighing as she reached across and snatched his pizza, taking a bite out of it. Kai looked at her as if she had lost her mind.

"That wasn't your cue to snatch my shit—"

"Snatchiessss, gimme him!" She laughed, standing up and walking towards the room. "Well, after that... I hope you don't think you're putting anything into me. One, that food just got me pregnant and I'm not trying to go into labor. And two, your girl's body count seems larger than viewers on her podcast— you gotta show me paperwork that you're good before going anywhere near my flower pot, boo."

Kai bit his lip as he watched her walk away. "You not gonna even help me with this food?" He asked, glaring at her, before getting up and following her into the room. "And I wasn't done talking to you..."

"Yeah, but I'm about to run a bath so talk." She told him as she gestured towards the bathroom. Kai followed her again and sat on the toilet as Rosè leaned in to the tub. "So, what else is going on?"

Endless Love | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now