EL | Flawed - 03

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"A love without flaw does not exist in reality

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"A love without flaw does not exist in reality. Only does it exist in your mind where you fantasize about unrealistic possibilities."

"Rosè, this is my third time calling you. Can you please just answer the phone?" Jewelle begged into the phone before she sat back against the headboard of her bed in her dorm room. She sighed dramatically as she tossed her phone down on her bed.

Justice looked up at her from the foot of her twin sized bed as he shook his head. "I told you to stop calling her, she probably at work. When she's ready to talk, she will talk if she not, yo. You know this." He told her, grabbing her phone.

Jewelle frowned as she reached for it, a pout puckered on her lips and she whined a little. "I don't like when she doesn't talk to meeee."

"I doubt it has anything to do with you." Justice said as he turned away from her. "You know she dealing with a lot since the last time you talked, baby. Just chill and give her space."

Jewelle crossed her arms over her chest and sat back real hard, a loud bump catching Justice's attention. He laughed loudly when he saw Jewelle rubbing the back of her head with a pained expression. "It's not funny, J."

"It is funny, J." He admitted to her as he chuckled some more, shaking his head. "That's what your spoiled, big head ass get."

Jewelle rolled her eyes before snatching up her pink, fluffy "Spoiled" pillow at him. She clipped him right in the head and now they were both laughing. "So that's funny, huh?"

Jewelle tried to scoot away from him as he came at her with a pillow but with his long arms, she wasn't fast enough to go anywhere. He laughed as he scooped her up in his arms and tickled her with one hand, smacking her in the head with a pillow in the other. Jewelle was cracking up and in tears as she tried to get away from his death grip. Eventually, once her laughter slowed, he let her go and laid his head on her ass after she turned onto her stomach and tried to catch her breath.

"I love you." He told her, smiling up at her.

She turned around and looked at him, a sly grin on her face too. "I love you more."

"You still suppose to be meeting Kai at the gym right?" He asked, looking up at her. She nodded, looking back at him.

"You decided you wanna go after all?" She asked, cheesing from cheek to cheek.

Justice just gave a shrug. Despite Kai and Rosè breaking up, it had gotten Jewelle and Kai closer because they bonded through the fact that Rosè wasn't talking to them. Eventually once Kai stopped caring about not getting replies, Jewelle and him just bonded on a big brother and little sister level. He became her go-to when she was upset or needed another shoulder to cry on because everyone was busy.

Endless Love | Book 2Where stories live. Discover now