EL| A sudden tradegy - 26

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"When things are going too good, expect the bad

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"When things are going too good, expect the bad."
~ unknown

        Kai looked down between the paper clenched in his fist and the phone in his other hand as he dialed Lotus's number. He was enraged at this point and couldn't be any closer to driving up to her job just to strangle her. He knew it had to be her that gave him gonorrhea because he was the only one he had been having sex with for a long while.

The doctors couldn't even pinpoint how long he had it because if they could it would be much easier to point the finger.

Again, he was sent to voicemail. He tilted his head back against the seat, looking out the window as he tried to think of his next move.

He was prescribed Tequin® just to get rid of it in the timely manner. The fact that he had no symptoms at all is what had him shocked because if Rosè hadn't been on his ass to get tested he would've never thought to and she would've had it too. At the moment, all he felt was regret and anger.

He wanted so badly to cause a scene by going up to her job and letting the whole world know that she has the clap and probably chlamydia too.

As if on cue, Kai's phone vibrated in his lap. He grabbed it and stared at the caller for a while; Rosè. He exhaled before answering. "Hello?"

His voice held the obvious irritation in his voice. "Whats wrong?" Rosè asked as soon as she heard him. "And your ass bet not tell me nothin', Kaivar."

"'Man..." He groaned, looking at the ceiling now. The sudden urge to hit something came over him but he just kept his cool. "Rosè."

"She gave you something, didn't she?" Rosè sneered, her voice cut down to a whisper as she asked the question. "What is it?"

"The clap, man." He admitted, his tone coming off a bit whiny. "And it's curable but it's fucked up because the doctor asked me mad questions and I wasn't even having symptoms of the shit. I dead ass wouldn't have even known."

Rosè smacked her lips. "Nasty bitch." She whispered. "You fucked the bitch raw—"

"One time! And I'm mad as hell about it." He grumbled out. Not only because the one time he had sex with her raw he got a STD but because it was some good ass sex.

Rosè was quiet for a while as if she was thinking. "So, what are we doing?" She asked softly.

"What you mean?" Kai asked, her face scrunched up. He was so irritated he couldn't even piece her words together like he normally could.

"Well, I'm your manager, remember? Have you contacted her about it? Knowing her, she probably knew she had it or something." Rosè spat out before exhaling. "Even so, you need to get on whatever meds they have you on so you can get it out."

Kai nodded. "Yeah, I know, they had a little pharmacy in here so I went ahead and bought the medication.  They got me something called Tequin so... that's my focus right now."

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