EL| Only You - 05

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"The heart knows who it wants; but the mind will always second guess it

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"The heart knows who it wants; but the mind will always second guess it."

Rose sighed dramatically before adjusting her glasses on her face, walking out of the elevator she had been waiting on for only a few minutes. She walked into the seventh floor where the meeting room was, turning down hallways as she looked through some of the glass windows to see that a mostly everyone was either stuck on calls or was gone— where she presumed them to be in the meeting room. Once she finally got there, she smiled at everyone and walked up beside Christian who had saved her a seat between him and Zaida.

"Hey, y'all." She whispered lowly to them.

Zaida smiled and gave her a gentle pinch on the arm to acknowledge her while Chris nodded.

Suddenly, the big boss, that Christian worked directly under, Adrian walked in cutting out any side conversations or mumbling that had been going on before she arrived. Her heels were loud as she sashayed towards her seat, pulling it out but not sitting in it– instead, standing beside it and looking around the room.

"Goo afternoon everyone, I know a lot of you were probably not too happen to learn that there was a mandatory meeting to come in to on your day off," She started, smiling all the while. "But, it happens. Y'all know how things work here and if you're needed then... hey. For that, we lost a couple of members on our team today."

Oh shit, Rosè thought, looking over to Christian.

"Don't be alarmed, this just means that there's more room for growth now." Adrian stated, getting a few sounds of approval from some people.

Rosè looked around the room, noting the faces of who was and wasn't there. That's when she noticed a familiar face that dated back three years ago that she could never forget; the date that was with Kai right before she had broke everything off.

"As you may notice, we our missing some of our bigger, as you should say, team members like our head agent and such." Adrian said, catching Rosè's attention again. "As of today, we are looking for someone to fill those major spots... starting with head agent."

More noises of approval as Zaida nudged Rosè. However, Rosè's mind was far from in the meeting since she saw that face.

"We're talking pay raise, office raise, and those travel benefits y'all love to ask me about. However, this position might call for you to relocate if you aren't living in our downtown, New Orleans area." She told them. "If you are interested, apply online through our personal link... we linked it in all of the emails we sent out prior. So whenever you get back to your desk or, come back to work, then you can apply. We won't start pulling applications until Monday though so no rush, no pressure."

Rosè nodded to make it seem as if she was listening though her mind was everywhere else. The bitch works here? When and where could they have possibly met?

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