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Well this will be a fun story,

I was walking through the kitchen, nonchalant, going to grab some of my favourite chocolates when all the sudden I feel a little hotter on my wrist. I see my older sister, Fuyumi, and wave at her asking if she wanted to help me get the chocolates. For some reason she screamed and pointed at my hand.

Well I looked.

My wrist was on fire.

I quickly blew it out without giving it a second thought. And then asked again.

She exclaimed that I now had a large burn in my wrist.

I looked at it, blistering and all, but it was coincidentally in the exact same spit as an older burn mark I had. Same shape, size, everything. I mean, is that not at least a little bit fascinating?

What're the odds that this burn took place exactly where an old wound used to be? That's absolutely insane.

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