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I would ask if anyone wanted to shat but there's only four people I want to actual chat with at the moment.

And in tired...

I wish something interesting would happen at the moment but I suppose I'll just rant.

You know, I'm rather proud of myself. My follower count, the number of reads I have. The other hosts are writing books such as this but less on their inside life. They're making it all... fancy, per say. I suggest making it more of your inside like, what interesting or ridiculous things go on in the every day life of you. Everyone already knows your personality and charm, how you please, your "shown" life. If you want to attract give them insight on the real you. Yes, some parts may be boring, and you may get sidetracked from initial goals such as my realisations. Don't think I've forgotten, I've just been too cluttered and talking to people to have random thoughts at the moment.

With that said, is there anything anyone would like for me to talk about?

Ask me questions, simple or personal, I'll answer them the best I can. Such as what I'm wearing, what things I like and don't like, what I'm currently doing, yada yada yada. Either easy ones like that or make them as embarrassing as you pleas. I am an honest man so you can expect an honest answer and if I can't answer your question I'll just honestly say so.

But other than questions, are there any parts of my life any of you'd like to see? It's never too late to comment or ask a question, even three years for now if I last that long.

So if you have questions I have answers, and if you would like me to show you a certain aspect of my life I will gladly.

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