Chapter 3 - Reyn and the Monado

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When the two got back to the lab, a figure stood in front of the Monado. Shulk recognized the dark flame-red hair and Defense Force uniform immediately. "Reyn?" Fiora called out as the man in question began undoing the mechanisms that held the Monado to it's stand. "Reyn!" Shulk called out in protest. "What're you doing?!" "S-Shulk?" Reyn spun around, the Monado in his hands. "N-No! I-I'm just-" He cut himself off as the Monado suddenly activated, shooting Reyn forwards. Shulk leapt backwards and Fiora hid behind a piece of machinery. Reyn started making strangled noises as the Monado propelled him through the room, destroying machinery and sending papers everywhere. Reyn shot forwards, and sliced downwards at a machine, which happened to be the one Fiora was hiding behind. "Fiora!" Reyn yelped in alarm as the Monado cut through the machine, and hit Fiora, slicing her through the middle. Reyn toppled over as the machine slid over and hit the ground, while Fiora leapt back, unharmed. The Monado slid out of Reyn's grasp, and hit the floor, snapping closed. "Reyn!" Shulk yelled, rushing forwards to the machine the flame-haired man had just destroyed. Fiora stepped out from behind the shattered machine, and checked her hands and belly for injuries. "Goodness..." She said breathlessly. Reyn got up, rubbing his shoulder. "Fiora!" He said. "Are you okay?" "Uh..." She finished checking herself for wounds. "I'm fine." She stepped over the shards of metal and wires as Shulk let out an irritated groan. "It's broken!" "What do you mean 'it's broken?'" Fiora asked, turning to look at Shulk, who was knelt in front of the machine Reyn had destroyed. "Don't you care about me?! I could've died!" "You're not hurt, are you?" Shulk asked, picking up a broken part. "The Monado can't cut people. More importantly..." He felt anger flare up in him again as he dropped the piece he was holding and turned to face Reyn. "What were you thinking, Reyn?" "Sorry," Reyn looked ashamed. "I came to ask a favour, but you weren't here! And I saw the Monado and-" "I know I'm here a lot, but even I need fresh air sometimes," Shulk said angrily, turning back to the broken machine. Reyn hung his head. "Is your body still feeling numb? We have to be very careful with the Monado," Shulk stood up. "It's not a toy." "I know, man," Reyn said shamefully while Shulk folded his arms. "I just wanted to touch it. Didn't know it would do that. Sorry. But is it true? The Monado really can't cut people?" He cast a look towards the Monado, still on the ground. It was quivering slightly, the symbol still in the middle of the sword. "The pattern in that circle," Shulk said, bending down to pick up the sword. "Or maybe it's a symbol? I think it shows which power the Monado has at the moment." "You think its a symbol?" Reyn asked. "Well..." Shulk frowned, lifting up the Monado to eye level. "If I can find a way to increase the number of symbols, I should-" "I'm sure that's all very clever," Fiora cut him off, and Shulk turned to look at her. "But, why were you more worried about a machine then me, Shulk?!" "Well I just..." Shulk couldn't seem to find the words to explain as he backed away from Fiora. "I just explained why." "That's not the point!" "S-Sorry!" Shulk stammered, before he heard the Monado clank against the machine it was usually held on, and it instantly activated. He groaned in pain, doubling over as it's power overwhelmed him. He fought against it's will, until a very strange sensation overcame him and his eyes glowed bright blue. The world was washed in white, before it cleared seconds later and he saw himself, holding the Monado, while pressing against someone's sword as another person spoke. "Look at you! Worthless without the Monado!" Another flash of white and he was facing a giant, raising his arms while particles of light surrounded him. With a third flash, he saw a woman with an ether rifle, her face obscured by fog. "...Until I've scrapped each and every one of you!" She was yelling, aiming the rifle angrily at something. There was a flash of a odd-looking person, who looked almost like a machine, and with another flash there was a balding man, suspended over a pit. He grappled for a hold on the machine that was clutching him, and fell. With another flash, Shulk saw a girl with silver curls he had never seen before. She smiled sadly at Shulk, and his own voice was suddenly shouting. "Of course I want to get my revenge!" Those were words he had never said in his life. Shulk turned, and there was a man, who looked like the silver-haired girl, turning as something towered behind him. "Your blade..." A voice sneered. "It did not cut deep enough." He saw himself screaming "No!" At the top of his voice as some sort of metal-faced Mechon plunged three claws into a Mobile Artillery at what seemed like the Residential District of Colony Nine. In another flash, it showed the mobile artillery behind the Mechon, while it's claws were covered in blood. The scenes stopped flowing, and Shulk's vision cleared. He was staring down at the Monado, abandoned on the ground, and he realized he was back in the lab with Reyn and Fiora. "Shulk!" Fiora cried out. "Shulk!" "What on Bionis happened there?" Reyn demanded. Shulk swallowed, and looked up. "Reyn...Fiora..." He said, his voice sounding foreign in his ears. "Are you okay?" Fiora asked. "Does it hurt?" "N-No," Shulk said shakily. "Reyn, when you held the Monado, did you...Did you see anything?" "You a blue blade of light came out. Same as just now," Reyn said, obviously not comprehending Shulk's question. "I don't mean that," Shulk said. "A feeling like...time had stopped. And then..." "Time had stopped?" Reyn repeated. "So...was it only me who saw that?" "That sounds strange," Fiora said. "Is it another Monado thing?" "Who knows?" Reyn said dismissively. "Anyway, no matter how good a sword it is, if that's what happens when you hold it...Looks like Dunban really is the only one who can use it." "I won't let my brother use it ever again!" Fiora said firmly, suddenly angry. "Not after what it did to him..." "Oh, sorry," Reyn muttered. "I didn't mean it like that." "Anyway," Shulk said anxiously. "The point is, I'm fine. To be honest, this has happened a few times before. I've been researching the Monado for a long time." "Shulk! Don't act like this is nothing!" Fiora scolded. "Look, don't worry about it!" Shulk insisted. "Anyway, Reyn, what did you want to ask me about?" "Ah, yeah," Reyn said, remembering. "Uh, old square-tache has gone and put me on punishment duty. Fancy tagging along?" "Punishment?" Shulk repeated curiously. "The Colonel was pretty angry today. Did he hit you?" "Well, whether he hit me isn't really here nor there, really," Reyn said. "Although actually he did end up hitting me. And that ain't all. He made me do a thousand squats and sit ups." "Whoa," Shulk said, shocked. "Nasty." "Yeah," Reyn agreed. "And now I have to go all the way up to the Mag Mell Ruins and back." "So you have to go collect the ether cylinders?" "That's the one," Reyn nodded. "They're used to power the mobile artillery. It looks like the damage has been repaired, but it can't move without the ether energy and it seems like the fueling station's all out of stock." "Is the mobile artillery that big machine that crashed in the residential district?" Fiora asked. "Yeah, probably," Shulk nodded. "You know your way around there right?" Reyn asked, indicating Mag Mell Ruins. "Yep," Shulk nodded. "Alright, I'll go with you." "Yeah!" Reyn said triumphantly. "Knew you would." "Hold on," Fiora said quickly. "The Mag Mell Ruins are in Tephra Cave, right? I heard there's a Mell Lizard's nest in there. I couldn't take it if anything happened to Shulk. He's delicate -not like you Reyn." "What are you on about?" Reyn asked irritably. "I'll be fine!" Shulk told Fiora, trying to keep his face from heating up out of embarrassment. "I can take care of myself!" "But-" Fiora began to protest. "Okay," Reyn cut her off. "I got it. I'll make you a promise. Shulk won't even get a scratch." "A promise doesn't mean much coming from you," Fiora snapped, and with that, she stomped out of the room. "She don't trust me at all," Reyn said, sounding slightly hurt. "Nah, she doesn't mean it," Shulk insisted, trying to convince himself more then Reyn. "Yeah, whatever," Reyn said. "Let's just get to the Ruins and back." The two departed from the lab, with Fiora nowhere in sight. She probably went back home, but you could never be so sure. They ran into Dickson when they were just about to leave the Military District, and informed him about the wrecked lab and Shulk's strange visions. Dickson wasn't angry, but seemed more curious about the new power Shulk had accidentally unlocked. The two made their way out of the colony, and up the path that would lead to Tephra Cave. The walk was nothing short of an hour, but as usual, Reyn had plenty to talk about, most of which happened after he saved Shulk at the Mechon Scrapyard, and it was about sundown when the two reached the cave. As Shulk and Reyn approached the cave entrance, they spotted someone in the shadows of the wooden supporting beams. An instant after she spotted them, she revealed herself, holding some sort of cylinders. "You forgot something!" Fiora called over to them. "You will be needing the transport cases, right?" She held up the cylinders in question and smirked at their dumbfounded expressions. "Fiora," Shulk said, slightly shocked. Reyn reached out to take the transport cases, but Fiora pulled them away from him while tutting slightly. "I'm coming along as well," She insisted. "I'd feel better going with you boys then sitting at home worrying about you. So, let's get moving." She turned and walked back the way she had come. Reyn let out an exasperated sigh. "I knew she didn't trust me," He told Shulk. "Looks like it," Shulk couldn't help but smile as they followed Fiora into the cave. The smell of damp earth met their nostrils as they entered. The cave was small, and was lit by ether lights, casting eerie glows over the floor, walls, and ceilings. Fiora shuddered. "I don't like it here," She murmured. "Me neither," Shulk agreed. "Luckily the Mag Mell Ruins shouldn't be to far off. Let's go." After making their way through another winding corridor, they reached the Ruins. Around them were huge crates, probably used to hold old weapons or machinery. There was a ramp that lead up to the upper levels, where most of the Defense Force did their training. "Are these the Mag Mell Ruins?" Fiora asked curiously. "Haven't you been here before?" Reyn questioned her. "Nope," Fiora shook her head. "The Defense Force often uses it for training, but I come here to do research," Shulk explained. "It's not really a place that people go." "Not surprising," Reyn chuckled. "There are monsters around here that use Mechon parts as armour." "Was this built by the Mechon?" Fiora asked. "I don't think so," Shulk frowned. "There's a path for people to get in. It might have been a vehicle of some kind." "Like the Defense Force Hover Transports?" Reyn inquired. "Yeah," Shulk nodded. "A vehicle?" Fiora repeated. "But it's so big..." "It's amazing technology," Shulk said fondly. "I wonder what kind of people made it." "I ain't got a clue," Reyn said. "Let's keep moving," Shulk advised. "The Ether Cylinders are up ahead." "Right!" Reyn agreed. At the top of the ramp, it opened up to a narrow hallway, with one door at the end, and another about halfway through. The one at the end had a green symbol on it, signalizing that it was open. The other was covered with a red symbol. "Its this one," Shulk gestured to the door at the end of the hallway. "What about this one?" Fiora pointed to the one with the red on it. "That one goes deeper into Tephra Cave. Wait a minute...that's odd," Shulk walked up to it. "It's closed. Usually it's open." "We don't have time to worry about closed and open doors," Reyn said. "If we don't hurry this up, old square-tache'll punish me even worse then just getting the cylinders and a thousand squats and sit ups!" "Right," Shulk nodded. "I'll have a look at it tomorrow." The others nodded, and they walked towards the green door, and it opened upon their approach. They were back in the cave once more, but this time it was empty, besides for a ether lamp at the end of a dirt ramp. The group climbed it, and entered the sunlight flowing through an exit in the cave. They emerged into the dying light of the sun, and spotted Colony Nine, the entirety of it spread across that vast lake. Even from here, Shulk could distantly make out the noise of the bustling Commercial District. It was late, almost night, but the district was always buzzing until right about midnight. A few feet in front of them sat the Cylinder Hangar, and Reyn, Shulk, and Fiora made their way over to it. "Right here!" Reyn said proudly. "Thanks for the help, Shulk. I'll start collecting them up. You two hold on a sec." He grabbed the transport cases from Fiora and started collecting ether cylinders while Fiora and Shulk stared around in awe, the soft hum of machinery helping Shulk feel as though he were back in the lab. "It's full of ether cylinders..." Fiora said after a long moment of silence. "Hey, why do we have to come all the way up here to get them? Isn't there an Ether Cylinder fueling station in the Colony?" "Well..." Shulk said, unsure how to explain. "Refining the ether takes a long time down there, and sometimes cylinderisation fails. And there are so many cylinders up here for us already, so it's more reliable the making them ourselves." "Right," Reyn agreed as he packed up cylinders in the cases. "And Colony Nine's Anti-Air Batteries and mobile artillery and standardized for those for these cylinders, so they can be used straight away." "I see," Fiora said slowly. "You know, this place is in good condition considering it's ancient." "It might be..." Shulk mused. "That there's some form of technology being used to preserve it. It's just a shame that we don't understand it's secret." "Shulk...?" "But I'll solve it one day and show you," Shulk smiled. "If it's just technology that someone created in the past, it's not incomprehensible. We'll come to understand it one day." "Don't go trying too hard," Reyn teased. "We can come and get Ether Cylinders whenever we need them. Besides, it's a good place for Defense Force training." "Yeah!" Fiora rolled her eyes. "So good that you didn't even want to come here without Shulk to back you up! Anyway, did you collect the cylinders?" "Yep!" Reyn said cheerfully. "All done. Thanks." "Just come by yourself from now on..." "Shh!" Shulk said suddenly. "Be quiet..." No sooner had he finished talking, then two machines dropped from the ceiling of the hangar. "Are they Mechon?" Fiora asked nervously, as she turned around, unsheathing her double knives. "I don't know," Shulk said. "But it looks like we'll have to destroy them!" Reyn grabbed his driver while Shulk took out his sword. "In that case, just leave 'em to me!" Reyn boasted. The three charged into battle, focusing on the first one that had dropped. They immediately attacked at once, and the three had to dodge and weave. Finally, Reyn toppled the first with a well placed blow, and it lay helpless and dazed on the ground. Reyn, Shulk, and Fiora attacked with all they had, while the other one fought desperately to save it's friend. As the first lay broken on the floor, the three turned to the second one, which was considerably easier to fight. As Reyn toppled it once more, the other two finished it off. As soon as it was broken, Shulk turned to Fiora, worried. "Fiora! Are you okay?" "I'm fine," Fiora assured him. "How about you?" "I'm alright," Shulk said. "Thanks to you and Reyn." "What on Bionis were those?" Reyn demanded, turning to face the pieces of scrap that used to be the ancient machines. "I've never seen anything like 'em!" "Could they have been Mechon?" Fiora asked. "No," Shulk shook his head. "I think they were something left from the civilisation that built this vehicle." "They didn't seem like Mechon to me," Reyn butted in. "But why did they only show up now? I've been to the hangar at least a dozen times with the boys, but this is the only time they've ever showed up." "I don't know," Shulk felt the anxiety building up in him. "But they were probably built to protect this place. They might have been activated in response to something...But I don't think this something could have been us." "Please, let's go back," Fiora pleaded. "I don't want to be here anymore." "Me neither," Shulk agreed. "And we've already got the Ether Cylinders." They were about to move out again, before a sound like something flying overhead drowned out the hum of machinery. "Huh?" Reyn said. "What going on?" "Listen!" Fiora whimpered. "What is that?" "That sound..." Shulk recognized it at once. He ran outside of the Hangar, and looked around for the source of it. "In the sky!" He yelled, pointing upwards. Something rocketed over the colony, and Shulk knew exactly what it was. He spun around again as carriers appeared over the mountain range. "It's a...!" "It can't be!" Fiora squeaked. "No way..." Reyn whispered. Shulk watched in horror as the carriers stopped just above the colony and dropped it's contents -hundreds of M71 Units. Shulk felt his throat squeeze tightly as he heard himself speak. "Mechon!"

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