Chapter 12 - Satorl Marsh

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Dickson led the group up slopes and by an escape pod bay. Sharla gazed sadly at it, but looked away as they headed away from it. There was hardly any talk. Shulk was still quivering with anger from Metal Face's words. He had insulted Fiora's memory, and mocked Shulk's final words to her. He clenched his fists, but suddenly unclenched them as he gazed at the ground. The grass had suddenly become soft, and fog was swirling around his feet. He gazed upwards, and gasped. Before him stood a marsh, with trees emanating rays of multi colored fog into the sky. Puddles of water also released the fog, and monsters were roaming about, seemingly at ease with the unearthly surroundings. "I've never seen anywhere like this!" Shulk said, taking in the breathtaking scenery. "Y'see?" Dickson said, tossing an arm around the blonde's shoulders. "This is why I've been saying you needto get out of the lab once every now and then!" Shulk laughed, and Dickson turned to face the others. "We're aiming to get inside the Bionis," He informed them. "We can get to the upper regions from there." "Wow..." Sharla still seemed captivated by the beauty of Satorl Marsh. "I never thought about going inside the Bionis." Dickson grinned. "The closer we get to the top, the more monster trouble we're gonna run into," He said. "The only things that venture this far in are the Nopon Merchants and curious types like me." "You really know all the fun spots, eh Dickson?" Dunban asked and Dickson chuckled. "You want to get to the top?" He asked. "Then this is the only way." "We'll push on," Shulk said firmly. "No matter what." "That's the spirit, Shulk!" Dickson said enthusiastically. They made their way through the marsh, splashing through small ponds and lakes, and fighting the occasional monster. The whole while, Dickson spouted random facts and pointed out spots that they might want to remember. "Hey," Sharla said suddenly. "Everyone, look!" She pointed to ether lamps a little ways off. Within the protection of the lamps were small furballs with large ears and tiny arms and legs. "It's a group of Nopon," Sharla said. "Ah," Dickson said. "Some Nopon Merchants." "What d'ya think they're up to?" Reyn asked. "They must be here for a reason," Sharla put her hands on her hips. "Let's go and ask them! Maybe they have some information on how to get through the marsh." "Good idea," Shulk nodded. They headed towards the camp, to find that the Nopon needed their help. After completing a few of their requests, they finally got a few answers. "Why we here?" One Nopon, Bokoko, asked. "That silly question! We Nopon Merchants! We go to where no Hom Hom or Nopon go before! Bokoko has been a Nopon Merchant for very long time. Seen many places, but none like this. To get through marsh, all you have to do is follow path. Follow path, and you get to safe place to rest." "He's right," Dickson said. "Let's get going." "Thank you, Bokoko," Shulk said, smiling. "Anything for friends!" Bokoko said. "Friends save Kacha when she kidnapped by Ignas! Least Bokoko can do for friends." The group nodded and left, following the path like Bokoko ordered. After a while, they reached a huge obelisk, with a light glowing faintly at the top. Despite the dim light, it didn't seem that monsters were too anxious to go anywhere near. "This lamp..." Shulk said slowly. "It has a very strange glow." "It's a remnant of the High Entia," Dickson explained. "They've hidden themselves away in the upper regions now, but at one time, they controlled this whole area." "Good for them," Reyn said. "It's the perfect place to get some shut eye," Dickson said, ignoring Reyn. "The lamp'll keep the monsters away. We'll be safe if we rest here. It's just like Bokoko said." * * * Shulk sat with the Monado while everyone else was sleeping somewhere around the lamp. Shulk, however, was not sleeping. He had one arm wrapped around the Monado, that was resting beside him. Metal Face had mocked him, but he didn't realize that through all the anger, he was actually in pain as well. "The breeze feels so good." His grip tightened on the Monado as he remembered the last day he spent in Outlook Park with Fiora. "It's so peaceful," She had said. "You know, Shulk? I hope every day can be like this, always." And then...the Mechon attacked that very same day. He remembered her ear-splitting scream as Metal Face plunged it's claws into the artillery and afterwards, flung it aside for the Mechon to eat. It wasn't just the pain of losing Fiora that had interested him in the fight, it was the vision that came with attacking Metal Face. What had he said to Metal Face and the silver faced Mechon? "You will pay for what you've done!" He remembered seeing himself holding the Monado high, and slicing downwards, cutting Metal Face's arm clean off, and the Mechon's scream of pain as he skidded backwards. "You will know the pain and suffering you cause the Emperor and Fiora!" And then there was the end of the vision. The silver faced Mechon breaking apart, and something inside, but he couldn't see it. What was within that particular machine? Then there were the words the man had told him back in Tephra Cave. "Do you wish to change it? The future?" Shulk rested his head against the Monado, and heard footsteps, He glanced up as Dickson approached him. "Has it been that long?" He asked. "Dickson?" Shulk looked at him, confused. "Fourteen years since I found you on that mountain," Dickson remembered. "Seems like yesterday." "I owe it all to you," Shulk murmured as Dickson leaned against the lamp. "If you hadn't been there that day, I wouldn't be here now, discovering the world." "Forgive me, Shulk," Dickson's tone was suddenly sad. "Sorry I couldn't save your folks." "Don't be." "Now that I think about it, that's when I found the Monado as well," Dickson folded his arms and examined the red sword. Shulk stood up, and examined the Monado closely. "This might be crazy talk, but maybe you and the Monado are part of some...higher plan." "I don't remember much at all," Shulk turned to face Dickson. "But I know that my mum and dad left me it. The Monado was their final gift to me. At least, that's how I used to think of it. That's why I want to discover it's true power and help defeat the Mechon. But so far I've only been creating piles of Mechon scrap." He laughed slightly and Dickson rolled his eyes. "So you don't want to just study it in a lab after all," He said teasingly. "This sword..." Shulk said thoughtfully. "There must be a way..." He trailed off and shook his head. Dickson patted Shulk's head. "Better get some sleep, Shulk," He said. "Before Reyn's snoring gets the better of you." * * * As dawn came, the marsh's magic began to fade. Ether stopped rising in multicoloured curtains, and was replaced by white fog. It was nearly impossible to see, and Shulk had a hard time making his way over the group. "Finally decided to join us, Shulk?" Asked Dickson with a smirk. "Sorry guys," Shulk apologized. "Didn't sleep a wink." "Right then," Dunban said. "Time to move on. How far now?" He directed the question at Dickson who spread his hands. "We'll be there soon enough," Dickson said. "The High Entia ruins are just ahead. And, just like that Nopon said, all we gotta do is follow the path."

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