Chapter 22 - Two Seals

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-One Month Ago- Sorean stood with Alvis in the Audience Chamber. A bright light was coming from Alvis's hand, and the seer was gritting his teeth with concentration. Sorean's eyes were closed as rapid visions played out in his head. Sorean was raising a staff, and implanted it in the ground. He was suddenly looking at Melia, and a boy he had never seen before. He had the Monado strapped against his back, and was wearing Homs-made clothing. There was a flash, and the boy was waving the Monado through the air, gripping it tightly, his mouth moving in words the Emperor couldn't hear. Then he and Melia were reaching towards Sorean, with a giant Mechon looming in front of him, blood staining it's claws. There was Melia, a bright light encircling her hands, and then she was running towards him. He saw the Mechon, raising it's claws and Sorean's eyes widening in shock. The bright glow faded from Alvis's hands, and the seer dropped to one knee, panting. There was a long moment of silence. "Can this be true?" Sorean finally asked. "It will happen soon," Alvis reported. "I saw Melia," Sorean remembered. "She was fighting a battle against a Mechon with a strange group of Homs." "Yes." "And that sword…" The Emperor frowned. "Could it be the…? Could it possibly? And that location. Was it…?" A torrent of questions overwhelmed him, each more confusing then the last. "The vision is a sign," Alvis said. "By your will, it can be changed." Sorean hesitated, releasing a long, slow breath. "For now, we must consider all things," He said slowly. "Everything. The capital and the lives of our people depend on it." * * * The following day just as night had hit Alcamoth, everyone, including Shulk, Reyn, Sharla, Riki, and Dunban this time, gathered outside to celebrate. Soaring through the sky outside of the capital were the pods that usually monitored for suspicious activity. They were flying in perfect formation while fireworks exploded in the sky. "Wow!" Reyn cheered. "Take a look at that! A High Entia air show!" "Bird people fly higher then Nopon birds!" Riki agreed, jumping up and down to get a better look at the show. Unfortunately, he was the shortest person in the crowd so it didn't help much. "They've got some neat tricks!" A grin was spread across Reyn's face. Suddenly, a screen flickered to life in front of them, and it showed Melia, back in her regal robes and mask. This time, there was a symbol burned into the forehead of the face that was depicted on it. "Shulk!" Reyn nudged the blonde. "That's Melia up there!" Shulk spun around and looked up, spotting the distant figure of Melia. "By the authority of our divine ancestors," Despite her muffled voice, Melia's voice rang out clearly around the capital. "I, Melia Antiqua, am honoured to accept the responsibility of becoming your next benevolent ruler! Should I be deemed unworthy of this calling, or fail to protect the ancestors or the Bionis, I promise here and now to throw myself at the mercy of you, the people!" Everyone cheered as Melia finished, most calling out her name. "Most majestic," Dunban commented. "That fragile girl in the forest is a distant memory." "But which one is the real Melia?" Sharla whispered. Shulk stared up at the crown princess, and felt a warm feeling in his heart, one he had not felt since Fiora was killed. He remembered Sorean's words with a smile. "I ask this not as Emperor Sorean Antiqua, but as a father. I do not demand that you act as Melia's protector, but I would be honored if you would be her friend." "No, it's not like that," Shulk said, without turning to the others. "They're one in the same girl." He paused before adding. "I think." * * * While the festivities reigned inside the capital, one man stood alone at the Center Gate, away from the commotion. Alvis stood with one hand on the railing, staring at Prison Island with apparent interest. He was dimly aware of another person joining him at the railing. He only knew who it was when the person spoke. "And what did you see, Alvis?" Asked Lorithia. "Oh, it's you," Alvis said, not taking his eyes off of the island. "Don't play games." "No need to be angry," Alvis said quickly. "I only wanted to...analyze the boy." He turned to face the minister. "Which was the point, no?" When Lorithia huffed, Alvis scanned her face, slightly angry. "I did not interfere with your ministerial affairs," He pointed out. "In fact, you should be thanking me." There was a long pause. "I wonder if He feels the same," Lorithia murmured. "We have all the information we need," Alvis said thoughtfully. "We know that such a Telethia cannot hurt them. You see...Nothing can befall him before he sees his dream fulfilled." And he fell silent, staring back up at Prison Island, two shooting stars streaking across the sky. * * * Metal Face and a squadron of other Faces left Mechonis at once. They had gotten a call from their creator, that they were to attack Eryth Sea at once. "Brand spanking new!" Metal Face bragged. If a machine could smirk, he was most certainly doing so. "Nothing like an ether change and a new paint job!" He scanned his force, and his eyes locked onto a new Face with a silver face -Face Nemesis. "We don't need her," Metal Face said scathingly, not particularly worried if this new Face heard him. "Look at me, look at me! Goody two shoes! Let's just see if you can hold back the screams when his blade gets a taste of you!" Metal Face circled down towards her, and sped up, noticing a squadron of High Entia defense pods speeding towards them. They started firing green ether blasts at them, which had absolutely no effect. "I love a warm welcome," Metal Face said sarcastically, charging up an attack of his own. "Let's settle this, machine-to-machine!" * * * Dunban, Sharla, Riki, Shulk, and Reyn had headed back to their room when the party ended. It was still reasonably early in the night, and storm clouds had cancelled the air show and the fireworks. "So they got a new crown princess," Reyn said, breaking the deafening silence. "Three cheers for Melia!" "Right," Sharla agreed, finally deciding to voice something that had been lingering at the back of her mind for awhile. "But we're still no closer to finding that murdering faced-Mechon." "Once we reach Prison Island, we'll get our chance," Shulk assured her. "I've seen us there. It must be true." "Hey, Shulk," Reyn said. "Maybe we can still persuade big wings?" He sounded hopeful, but his expression wasn't as so. "Melia's crown princess now, and I reckon the Emperor might change his mind." "Maybe," Shulk said half-heartedly. "Reyn," Dunban said sternly. "The Emperor's request was clear. Give him time. There's more to this island then we know. There are things at play here that reach beyond our understanding." "Dundun right," Riki agreed. "Riki and friends visit Melly now!" His statement caused everyone else in the group to stare at the Nopon with surprised expressions. "Hey," Reyn complained. "The adults are talking, pops!" "Riki want to see Melly!" The Nopon complained. "Riki think Melly sad too." "She might like a distraction," Sharla agreed. "All those stiff ceremonial duties and all. How about you decide, Shulk." "Riki say yes!" Riki cheered. Shulk hesitated, before smiling. "Let's go visit Melia." They left their room at once, and stepped through a transporter. A guard seemed surprised when they asked for directions to where Melia was, but he complied without too many questions. They found out Melia lived in an Imperial Villa a little ways away. The only way to get there way by transporter. The guard showed them the way to the transporter, and after thanking him, the group went through it. They appeared in a beautiful garden, with a villa rising into the sky. Water surrounded the perimeter of it, and standing by the water's side was the crown princess herself. She turned around, and noticed the others standing there, and Shulk suddenly realized she had a pair of wings sprouting from the top of her head. A shocked expression came over Melia's face when she realized they were watching her This was quickly replaced by a smile. "You came to see me?" She asked, climbing the stairs and meeting them at the center of the Imperial Villa. "Riki's friend, Melly!" Riki said happily. "Melly look amazing before! Riki so proud!" "Really?" Melia was shocked. "It all happened so fast." "What a stunning garden," Sharla commented, looking around at the flowers and grass. "The arrangements...the fountain...when the Colony's up and running, can I steal some ideas?" Her tone was teasing, but Shulk could tell Sharla was genuine. "My late mother adored this place," Melia said sadly. "Late...mother?" Reyn repeated, tilting his head. "But I thought your Mum was…" "Her Highness the First Consort is not my birth mother," Melia said. "Members of the Imperial Family must take two wives. One Homs, one High Entia. My mother is the Second Consort. I am half Homs, half High Entia." "Melia," Sharla whispered. "Melly live here?" Riki asked, still looking around. "Yes, Riki!" Melia nodded. "Since I was young. I cannot walk outside as you see me now, so this garden gives me much relief." "What's wrong with how you look?" Reyn asked. "Who cares if you're half Homs? You'll always be you." "Their way of thinking differs from ours," Dunban reminded him. "Different ways...Different morals." "So that's why you wear a mask in public," Shulk said, understanding why she went around with that mask on when she went outside of the Imperial Palace. "Yes," Melia nodded. She paused, her cheeks a small tint of red, before she finally spoke again. "Shulk, in less then an hour, there will be a banquet in the palace. I would like you all to come." "Riki so hungry he could even eat smelly Orluga!" Riki whined, holding his stomach. Melia laughed. "There'll be plenty to eat." "Finally, some decent grub!" Reyn groaned. "I haven't eaten anything since breakfast! What's on the menu? Any High Entia specials?" "Do not embarrass me at this dinner," Sharla warned, turning to face the red-haired man. "Expectations lead to disappointments," Dunban said wisely. "We are talking about Reyn here." "What?!" Reyn demanded, looking hurt. "That's the last time I sit next to you then!" Shulk chuckled slightly at the childish argument. Melia was smiling as well. "I have much to prepare," She informed them. "I will have someone call for you later." "We can't wait!" Shulk said sincerely. Melia nodded, and started to walk back towards the transporter, when the blonde stopped her. "Is something wrong?" She asked curiously. Shulk hesitated. He wasn't quite sure why he stopped Melia, he just had a feeling to. "N-No...It's nothing," He shook his head. "You are a funny one," Melia looked slightly amused, before going on her way. Shulk stared after her, when- Metal Face was raising his claws, and slashed them through the air. They came down towards Sorean, and the Emperor screamed. There was a flash and for a split second, he saw himself reaching towards Sorean, Metal Face's claws covered in blood. His vision faded to black and he heard his own voice, screaming. "Emperor!" Shulk was suddenly jarred back into reality, as he realized he just saw the Emperor's death. "It can't be!" He breathed, his eyes wide with shock. "Shulk?!" Reyn said, grabbing onto the blonde's shoulders and forcing him to look at the former Defense Force soldier. "It's...The Emperor!" Shulk cried. Melia, who was still walking away, stopped suddenly. "Father?" She questioned. "Another vision?" Reyn asked as the crown princess rejoined the group. "Shulk!" Melia cried. "What did you see?!" "On that tower...On Prison Island-" Shulk was cut off as an ear-splitting siren went off. He covered his ears as three Imperial Guards came running towards them. "What does the siren mean?!" Dunban demanded. He had heard his fair share of sirens, but this one was unfamiliar. "M-Mechon!" One guard stammered. "They're coming!" * * * Metal Face shot over Eryth Sea, passing by several Hovering Reefs as he did so. Andos rose from the reefs and shot after it, bent on protecting the imperial capital. Easily bypassing them, the faced Mechon shot into the sky, and then circled around Prison island. Shooting down towards the sea, Metal Face unfolded himself, sending ripples across the water. He shot upwards, slicing and destroying anything that stood in his path. "Too slow!" He bragged. "You'll never stop me now!" He shot forwards, slowly but surely making his way to Alcamoth. * * * Three guards came charging into the Audience Chamber, kneeling respectfully before Sorean and Kallian. "Report!" The prince ordered. "Yes, Sire," The guard raised his head. "We received a report from our south station. Mechon are approaching." "Impossible!" Kallian roared. There was a moment of silence before Sorean nodded, and turned to his son. "Kallian," He said seriously. "Your sister's time has come." "Your Majesty," Kallian began to weakly protest, but the Emperor ignored him and walked towards the Imperial Staff, which was resting behind the podium Sorean usually stood on. "There is only one course of action left," He said, grabbing the Imperial Staff and turning to face Kallian, whose eyes were wide with shock. "We will not waver from our destinies." "Father!" Kallian tried to stop the Emperor again. "Kallian!" Sorean said sharply. "Take charge of the capitals defenses! I will go to Prison Island!" * * * "Tell me!" Melia ordered, her hands on her hips. "What happens to my father?!" "He…" Shulk swallowed. "It follows my last vision. We're on Prison Island. Metal Face and your father are…" He trailed off and Melia suddenly looked thoughtful. "Prison Island?" She repeated. "But why would Father go there?" She thought for a moment, before her eyes widened. "No!" Turning to the others, her voice was trembling as she spoke again. "I must go to the palace. I must stop him. I will go to the Audience Chamber! I cannot let him leave the Capital!" "Wait Melia," Shulk said. "We're coming too!" Melia nodded and they took off towards the Audience Chamber. * * * When they got back into the grand hallway, guards were running around in a flurry of panic. The siren was still screaming, and citizens were flocking into a transporter, most presumably to a shelter. Melia maneuvered through the crowds, and was lost. Next Shulk saw she was at the top of the stairs. He made his way towards her and they ran towards the transporter. The others were a little farther behind, since Riki had gotten stuck in the crowds, and had been screaming for someone to help him. When they finally got to the Audience Chamber, it was already too late. Sorean was nowhere to be found. Melia's face paled as she noticed this, and she ran towards Kallian. "Brother!" She said. "Where is Father?!" Her brother had his back to her, and was shaking slightly. "Melia…" Kallian said at last. Melia glanced around, her eyes fixed on where the Imperial Staff was kept. "The Imperial Staff," She breathed, noticing it's it's absence. "It's...So Father has gone?!" "I…" "Kallian!" "The Emperor has proceeded to the island, alone," Kallian muttered. "For the sake of the empire." "Why did you let him go alone?!" Melia demanded, her voice cracking as tears began to blossom at the corners of her eyes. "Father…!" "His Majesty is fully aware." Alvis's voice made everyone spin around. The seer himself was standing in front of them, a perfectly calm expression on his face. "Alvis…" Shulk breathed, startled at his sudden arrival. "...Of what will happen to him and what he must to before then," Alvis finished his earlier sentence. "You saw something?" Shulk asked. "I did," Alvis nodded. "During our ancient divination ritual." "If he knows, then why?!" Shulk demanded, remembering his own vision. "Because he is the ruler of the imperial family and all the High Entia," Alvis said sharply. "We must respect his decision above all else." "But that doesn't mean…" "Trust him, Shulk," Kallian urged when the blonde visionary trailed off. "His fate was decided long ago." "No!" Melia insisted, stomping her foot. There was a moment of silence, before Dunban spoke. "Shulk, we're going!" "Dunban?" "Respect? Destiny?" Dunban snorted. "We don't need rules to tell us when to save the people we care for! You too, Melia. Don't give up on him. The Emperor, your father, is going to die!" "But Dunban!" Melia started to protest. "There's only one thing to do, and that's to follow the Emperor," Dunban said. "Are you with me?" "Of course!" Shulk nodded. "But you can't!" Kallian said suddenly. "We are Homs," Dunban shrugged. "Do what you must, but your laws don't concern us." Kallian froze, realizing the former user of the Monado was correct. "My apologies, Dunban," The prince said through gritted teeth. "No apologies needed," Dunban said dismissively. "So, Melia, what's it to be?" "We go to Prison Island," The crown princess declared. * * * Metal Face and two other Face units soared through the air, away from the Andos that had attacked them. The machines fired off two deadly attacks that destroyed the two that were accompanying Metal Face, but it didn't seem to harm the faced Mechon. "This fly infestation is beginning to bug me!" He said irritably, before cackling at his terrible joke. Meanwhile, Face Nemesis had drawn duel swords from her sides, and was flying around, destroying Andos with ease. She flew towards Metal Face, speaking only when she had reached him. "Unmanned craft built by ancient High Entia," Her voice was cool and calm, but she was panting slightly. "Is it too much to hope this is the last of them?" She suddenly glanced up as monsters burst from Prison Island and circled around it. Two broke formation and shot towards her and Metal Face. They darted out of the way and the monster flew past them. "Ginormous...things at 12 O'clock!" Metal Face said as the monsters surrounded them. "Ancient creatures that were sealed away within Prison Island," Face Nemesis commented. "They have us in their sights." "They must be our target's pets!" Metal Face guessed. "Perhaps," Face Nemesis agreed. "Let's see how they like this!" Metal Face shouted, shooting towards and slicing the creatures in in half with his claws. He shot up as the largest of them attacked, and Face Nemesis went after the small ones with her blades. Metal Face charged up his signature ether attack, and fired it off. "Die!" He screamed, a beam of power ripping through the largest monster and causing it to implode. The beam didn't stop there. It kept going until it finally disappeared, destroying a hundred of the ancient creatures surrounding Prison Island. And the battle raged on. * * * Melia, Shulk, Reyn, Dunban, Riki, and Sharla appeared back in the center gate. They had to fight their way through the High Entia to get there, the siren still ringing in their ears. It was oddly peaceful in Eryth Sea, until Shulk spotted the explosions around Prison Island. "Prison Island is just ahead," Melia reported. "Do we need to use the transporter?" Shulk asked. Melia nodded. "We do," She nodded. "But first we must unlock the seals." "Seals?" "We'll need to unlock two seals to reach Prison Island," Melia explained. "Then, a door will appear before us, showing the way." "Got it!" Shulk said. "Move everyone!" Melia led the way to the Central Seal Island. When they arrived, the discussed the best way to do this quickly and efficiently as a light rain began to fall. "I say we should go in groups to make this faster." Shulk said, and everyone nodded in agreement. "Riki want to go with Sharla!" The Nopon cheered. Sharla blinked slightly as Dunban volunteered to go with Melia. Everyone else was to stay at the island, and watch for any approaching Mechon, and to unlock the path to Prison Island when it was time. Sharla and Riki headed off towards the seal Melia informed them was Khatorl Seal Island. The one she and Dunban had gone to was Soltnar. There was an awkward silence as Sharla and Riki passed through a hovering reef, when Sharla realized the Nopon was sniffing a flower. "These flowers smell like passion!" Rik informed Sharla, turning around to face her. "Riki feel different! Feel passionate!" (A/N: Get your minds out of the gutter. -.-) "P-Passionate?" Sharla stammered. "Are you feeling alright, Riki?" "Riki love flowers!" Sharla smiled slightly at Riki's response and bent down to sniff the flower herself. She realized that Riki was right. She was filled with a warm, contented feeling. (A/N: Didn't you hear me before? GET YOUR MIND OUTTA THE GUTTER.) "Sharla like flowers too?" Riki said as the medic straightened up and they continued towards the island. "Flowers taste yum yum, no?" "Oh," Sharla said, surprised. "You eat them?" "Yes!" Riki nodded. "But also give to wifeypon. It Nopon custom. Riki bring flowers home. Oka hang them on walls." "So there's more to you then food!" Sharla said teasingly as they stepped into a transporter and appeared on Khatorl Seal Island. "You're a good husband, Riki." "Riki not that good a husband!" Sharla smiled, rolling her eyes. Glancing around the island, she realized there were hardly any monsters around, and the ones that were there were facing another direction. Sharla's eyes fixed on another patch of the same flowers, and she beckoned Riki over to them. "These flowers are a lovely shade of blue, you know," She remarked. "I think they'd suit Melia. How about you pick one for her? It could be a present." Riki looked at Sharla, confused. "Give to Melly?" "She'd be so happy!" "Sharla have good idea!" Riki said, picking one. "Riki want to do good for Melly!" "That girl's got her head screwed on right, but it can't be easy," Sharla warned the Nopon as he tucked the flower safely in his pocket. "She's so uptight. I wish she'd let loose once in awhile." "Riki think the same," The Nopon nodded as they crossed the bridge and began climbing the large building that protected the seal. "Melly nice Bird Lady…" "Hey," Sharla said, a thought suddenly occurred to her. "I could look for flowers with you. I think I know what she'd like!" "Yay!" Riki cheered, pleased with her suggestion. "Riki pick flowers with Sharla! Melly will be happy happy!" "I'm sure she will, Riki," Sharla said with another warm smile. They reached the top of the building, and found that there were more monsters waiting for them. After defeating them, Riki pressed a button and they could see a platform rising back on Central Seal Island. By then, the light sprinkle had turned into a downpour, and Riki and Sharla didn't have time to look for flowers together. They ran back to the central seal island, finding that everyone was waiting for them. Shulk pressed a button on a final seal that had appeared. The large transporter in the middle of the island began to glow, and everyone ran towards it. They couldn't waste much more time. Shulk glanced up at Prison Island, seeing the ferocious battle between Mechon and some monsters that weren't there when they left the Center Gate. "Mechon!" He breathed, skidding to a stop. "And something we've never seen before!" Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Riki give Melia something, and the crown princess smiled, taking it. "Big fish coming!" The Nopon suddenly yelped, one of the creatures came soaring down towards them. It shrieked at them in an unearthly voice, and they all got into defensive positions as they drew their weapons. Shulk and Riki circled behind it, Shulk performing backslash and Riki doing something he didn't know what to call other then 'Bitey Bitey.' Reyn jabbed his driver into it's head forcefully, and Sharla healed him as the monster blasted him back into a wall. Melia fired off an elemental and Dunban charged forwards, leaping through the air and driving his katana into the monster's back. He forced the monster to fall and hit the pavement, cracking it. It didn't move again after that. "Can anyone explain what this thing is?" Reyn asked, approaching it cautiously and poking it with the butt-end of his driver. "I believe it is one of the oldest creatures on Bionis," Melia said thoughtfully. "I have only seen them as fossils, discovered around the capital. To find that they were trapped on Prison Island…" "Was it protecting the island?" Sharla asked. "That would imply it's sentient," Dunban pointed out. "I believe it's responding to something primitive." "Primitive?" Sharla repeated, looking confused. "Yes," Dunban nodded. "It doesn't care who or what we are. It's instinct was to protect against anything, but we'll never really know." "We're losing time here!" Sharla said as Riki poked the beast with his biter. He leapt back, afraid it would move. When it didn't, the Nopon did it again. When Sharla finished speaking he turned to face the medic, a grin on his face. "Riki go to island!" "Yeah," Shulk nodded. "Let's go." They went forwards, and stepped into the transporter.

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