Chapter 13 - Marsh Ruins

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The group started off again, following Dickson who, again, started telling them facts about the marsh, and landmarks they'd do well to remember. "No." Sharla was standing defiantly in front of a river that was flowing with icy cold water. Shulk could feel it slowly numbing his feet through his shoes, and shivered slightly. Everyone but Sharla was standing in the water, and she had her arms crossed over her chest. "Come on, Sharla," Reyn complained. "It's just some water! We went through puddles like these in the Ether Mines." "I know, but..." Sharla eyed the water. "We'll never get out of here if you don't come," Dickson said. "It's just a little water, you'll dry off eventually." "I'd like to feel my feet, thank you." Reyn let out an exasperated sigh and grabbed onto Sharla's wrist. "You know what," He grumbled pulling her into the water. "There you go." Sharla instantly shivered as soon as she stood into the water. "Don't worry," Dunban told her, sounding slightly amused. "You'll get used to the cold. Now, let's hurry before Sharla turns into an icicle." They splashed upwards through the river, which was easier said then done. The river was constantly pushing them back, and they were soaked up to their waists with icy cold water. They finally reached the peak of the river, and Shulk heard himself gasp. There were two pairs of huge statues in front of him, waterfalls falling from the top of their heads. The structure itself had to be be at least as tall as the giant statues, with a pathway leading to the beginning of it. "The upper regions are through that entrance," Dickson pointed. "You gotta go through Makna Forest first. Prison Island is at the Bionis head, just above the forest. In order to get there though, there's a certain ceremony you have to complete. He pointed to a nearby Nopon researcher. "He should probably tell you something." "It pains me to say it, but this is the point where I turn back," Otharon said sadly. "I must see to the survivors and I'm also very concerned about Colony 9." "I understand," Shulk nodded. "Thank you for everything." "I might have said some things I shouldn't have back in the mine," Otharon looked ashamed. "Forgive me." "No, it's okay." "I owe you my life, young man," Otharon told Shulk. "I'll never forget it, Heir to the Monado." He nodded, and turned to Sharla. "Medic, will you stay with them?" "I…" Sharla hesitated. "I want to help Shulk. The Mechon must pay for what they did. And I'm sure Gadolt is still alive somewhere. If he is, I have to find him." "Find him for me too," Otharon smiled. "Good luck." "Sharla," Juju hesitated. "I want to go with Otharon." "Are you sure?" "Yeah," Juju nodded. "I've never seen anything cooler then Shulk smashing Mechon with the Monado, but I'm just slowing you down." "No way, kid," Reyn shook his head. "You just need to shape up like me!" "It's okay!" Juju said quickly. "I've made up my mind. Compared to you guys, I know I'm pretty useless...But that's cool because I know what I can do! I'm gonna go back to the colony, and help the survivors rebuild their lives!" "You'll do us proud, kid," Reyn nodded, smiling. "Good luck, Juju," Shulk said. "Thanks!" "Shulk, Reyn," Otharon said. "Keep Sharla safe for me." When they nodded, he let out a sigh or relief. Shulk approached Dickson and looked at him. "Are you leaving too?" "The Mechon may be gone from Colony 6 now, but that doesn't mean we've seen the last of them," Dickson patted Shulk on the head. "When they launch another attack, and they will, Colony 9's gonna need my help." "Yeah," Shulk nodded in agreement. "I guess you're really needed at the colony." "This isn't the last you'll see of me," Dickson assured them. "You should be alright for now. Looks after the Monado." "You can bet on it!" Shulk grinned. "We won't let the colony down." "You'll make us proud, Shulk," Dickson grinned, and came up to Reyn. "You on the other hand, need to buck up your ideas! How else are you gonna protect Shulk?" Reyn laughed. "Thanks for the heads up, Dickson." "Good luck!" Dickson clapped Reyn on the shoulder. "See ya!" And he, Otharon, and Juju left, wading back through the river. "Dickson said there was something we needed to do to get to the top of the structure ahead, right?" Shulk asked. "Yeah," Sharla nodded. "He told us to go talk to the Nopon." She pointed to the Nopon researcher, who looked at them when they approached. "Friends want to go to top?" He asked. When they nodded, he continued. "You gather relics from around Satorl Marsh for ancient ceremony. Friends bring them here and path will be opened. There four relics from different places in marsh. One in Basin Cave over there," He pointed to a cave by the statue on the left. "Another by Altar of Fate. Get there by going through cave. Third in Igna territory. Last in Dark Swamp. Me think you know where that is." "We do, thank you," Dunban nodded, turning to Shulk, Reyn, and Sharla. "I believe the most efficient way to go about this is by going in groups. Each group gets two relics." When the group nodded, he folded his arms. "I'll go with Shulk. Reyn, Sharla, you go find the two in Dark Swamp and Igna territory." Sharla and Reyn nodded, and stepped back into the water and started down the river. Dunban and Shulk went towards the cave. "So, how are you holding up, Dunban?" Shulk asked finally after a long moment of silence. They waded towards the cave and entered it, nearly getting swept away by the sudden current. "Much better," Dunban patted his arm, which was hidden in a brown sleeve. "I wouldn't say I would try to hold anything with this arm, but it doesn't pain me." He guided Shulk towards a rap,and they started up it, crossing a bridge and entering a small room, with a relic sitting atop a tiny table. "There's the first one," Shulk picked it up. "Now we're going to the Altar of Fate?" Dunban nodded and they waded back into the water. When they reached the end of the cave, they found themselves staring at quite the drop into freezing water below. "We'll dry off eventually," Dunban murmured, more to himself then Shulk. The blonde stared down, and jumped off the edge, followed a few seconds later by Dunban. Shulk immediately sank underwater, and felt his feet touch the ground. He pushed upwards and surfaced, completely soaked and freezing. Dunban soon came up after Shulk and the two swam away from the waterfall, which was spraying them with icy droplets of water. "That must be the alter," Shulk pointed when they could freely walk through the water. Dunban nodded in agreement, his teeth chattering. They made their way to the altar, only to find the spiraling ramp to get to the top were guarded by frog-like creatures known as brogs. Dunban took out his katana and Shulk pulled out the Monado, and they made quick work of them. They climbed the ramp, and Dunban picked up the next relic. "That's our two," He said. "Let's head back to the statues." Shulk nodded and they headed back down. As Shulk and Dunban made their way back to the Sororal Statues, night began to descend upon the marsh again. Ether began to rise from the trees and ground, and the heavy fog was now rising towards the sky. "This place is...beautiful," Shulk murmured, staring around at the scenery. "Some call it the Shimmering Marsh," Dunban said. "I can see why!" Shulk laughed. "Have you ever been here before?" "No," Dunban shook his head. "And I'm suitably amazed. How can a place light up so much at night? I've never seen anything like it." "I have," Shulk said quietly. "Once, when I was very young." "Really?" Dunban said, surprised. "Interesting." " It was at the ruins where me and the Monado were found," Shulk explained. "The same thing happens there. At night, glowing ether fills the air." "So that's where you saw it." "I don't remember much about the ruins," Shulk admitted. "I found my way in and lost consciousness. That's about all I can remember from back then, except the light." "If it was as beautiful as this, no wonder you remember it," Dunban said, gazing around. "Ether is an incredible thing." "It really is." A moment of silence fell between the two, before Dunban finally spoke again. "Will it ever run out?" He asked. "The ether I mean." "Great question, Dunban!" Shulk said excitedly. "I've always wondered that." "Great minds think alike," Dunban said, smiling. "And your thoughts?" "I can't draw any firm conclusions or anything," Shulk admitted. "All I know is, ether isn't unlimited. So I guess it won't last forever." "I don't suppose we have anything to worry about in our lifetime," Dunban said. "Maybe not," Shulk agreed. "But we should still try and find another energy source. We can't just rely on it always being there." "Energy aside, it will be a shame when this natural beauty is gone," Dunban said sadly. "Yes…" Shulk nodded. "Whether that's a hundred years from now or a thousand." "Oi! You two!" Reyn's shouting voice jerked the two out of their conversations. They had reached the Sororal Statues once more, and Sharla and Reyn were waiting for them. Shulk waved and ran up to them. "Done already?" Dunban sounded amused. "Ours were the closest." "Actually, turns out we already had one of the relics," Sharla said with a grin. "The one in the Igna territory. All we had to do is run through the swamp filled with poison water. We weren't too badly injured. I managed to patch us up." "Excellent," Dunban nodded. "Well, we'd better start the ceremony." They gathered at a large circle and placed the four relics in the center. They almost instantly disappeared, and a large beam of light was shot into the air. A monster descended from above, with an orange body and a beak filled with vicious teeth. They defeated it almost quite easily, and stairs rose from a little ways off, leading towards and elevator. Shulk, Reyn, Sharla, and Dunban approached it, and Reyn stepped in front of it, hoping the barrier that was blocking their path you dissipate, but it didn't. "Huh?" He muttered. "The lift doesn't work!" Shulk came up to the lift, and frowned. "It looks like it's been broken for awhile," He said. "We'll have to find another way up." "Another way?" Sharla tilted her head. "You don't mean climb up there?" "We may have to," Dunban said, and Reyn groaned. "Come on!" He complained. "You can't be serious? Why'd someone build a lift that doesn't work?" "No complaining!" Shulk told him. "Let's start looking for a place we can climb up." They explored around, before Sharla found some ivy they could climb up. They jumped onto it and began their climb up the statues. After a long time of pulling muscles and careful maneuvering, they reached the top. "Ready to go?" Reyn asked as they took a small break at the peak of the statues. "Yeah," Shulk nodded. "But just hold on a minute." He turned to look at Dunban, who gazed at the blonde curiously. "What is it, Shulk?" "It's about the Monado," Shulk hesitated slightly. "I'd...I'd like to ask for your permission to use it a little longer." "Why ask me?" Dunban asked. "The Monado was your sword," Shulk pointed out. "But...I need it to achieve my goal, so…" He trailed off and Dunban chuckled. "Don't sweat it," He said. "You were far more skillful in wielding that thing then I ever was. Keep it, it's yours. Besides, I have a new sword." He patted the katana's hilt, and smiled warmly. "That old coot had the decency to forge this for me. I owe it to him to make the most of it." "Dunban…" "You've fought your way this far," Dunban said. "That is proof enough that the Monado has accepted you. Don't take my word for it. Believe in yourself, Shulk." "Believe in myself?" Shulk repeated. "Never lying down, never giving up," Dunban patted Shulk on the shoulder. "That's our pride and strength as Homs, and we have to make sure those metal monsters know it." "You're right," Shulk nodded. "Time to move, people!" Dunban said. "This Prison Island Shulk saw in his vision isn't getting any closer." Everyone nodded, and they headed inside the tunnel that would lead them to the Bionis' Interior.

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