Chapter 18 - Telethia

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The ground beneath them had suddenly turned grey and lifeless. The trees were bent over and dead, while the ether crystal deposit grew brighter with each passing second. Riki came up to the area, looking worried. "What is this?" He demanded. "Riki never see before! This not Riki's Makna! Riki never see before!" "To think that it has caused this much damage…" Melia breathed, glancing around. "What do you mean?" Sharla asked. "Are you telling me the Telethia did this?" Dunban asked, his eyes wide with shock. "Telethia absorb and drain the surrounding area of all it's ether," Melia explained. "That's it!" Shulk said, understanding. "The Telethia is sucking up all the ether, which is causing the natural environment to change." "Shulk," Melia turned to face him. "The Telethia can read your mind. Expect it to know what you will do before you do it." "I know," Shulk nodded. "I'll aim for it's antenna and stop it's ability to read my thoughts. With the Monado at our side, it doesn't stand a chance." "It's much more powerful then it's offspring!" Melia became annoyed at his confidence. "Do not expect it to fall so easily!" "I won't," Shulk assured her. "But we have to trust in the Monado." Melia shook her head and rested her elbow on her palm, putting her fist up to her mouth. Shulk has only met Telethia once, and they were merely it's spawn, She thought. So why is he so sure of himself? Is it confidence or a trust in something? Yes...It is trust. He trusts in the power of that sword. She followed the others and relaxed her position. The dull grass crunched under her feet as she walked, still lost in thought. What did he say it was called? The Monado. I see… They came to the middle of the clearing, when the Telethia roared. It came down from the sky swiping at them with it's claws. They all ducked, and took out their weapons. "Stick together, everyone!" Reyn ordered. "Dinobeast!" Riki cried. "Big as Riki imagined!" "The Telethia!" Melia breathed, and rushed forwards. "I take this chance to bring vengeance for my brethren and fulfill my duty!" She turned to Shulk, and spoke again. "Shulk, I was trap it and cease it's movements. Strike when the time is right!" She sprinted forwards towards the Telethia. "Melia!" Shulk yelled after her, following. The Telethia roared and hit the ground, ready to attack. Melia raised her hand and a bright light began surrounding her palm, which soon surrounded her whole body. "Be still!" She shouted, raising her hand and pointing it towards the monster. A bright light burst from her fingertips, washing the Telethia in it's glow. It screamed and thrashed, but seemed unable to escape. "Oh yeah!" Reyn grinned as he, Sharla, and Dunban raced towards Shulk and Melia, Riki right behind them. "She's nifty with that staff!" "I knew it," Sharla breathed, and Reyn looked at her. "She can control ether energy without using catalysts or rifle shells." "I've heard that such people exist," Dunban said to himself. "Bit I never thought she would be one." Melia lowered her hand, and stared as the Telethia froze. Then, she raced forwards to meet in battle. "Shulk! Reyn! Sharla!" Dunban ordered. "Protect Melia at all costs!" "On it!" Reyn told him, running after Melia. "Right!" Sharla agreed, raising her rifle. Melia's magic only worked for a little while. Before long, it was stomping all over the dead grass, attacking and reading their thoughts. Melia seemed to be the only one actually doing damage to it, while the other attacks missed. Riki went around cheering people up by saying, "Nopon dance make happy!" The Telethia finally rose off of the ground, and came towards Sharla. She fired, reloaded, then fired again, but her attacks seemed to be doing nothing. Dunban dropped from the sky, landing on the Telethia's back, and drove his katana deep into the monster's neck. It screeched, whipping it's head around. Dunban gripped his sword tightly, then pulled it out, glancing around for something he could use that would give them an advantage. He noticed one of the antennas and chopped it off, losing his balance and falling over in the process. He hit the ground while Riki cheered and brandished his biter happily. However, the antenna Dunban had sliced off was starting to glow, and within a few second, another antenna grew. "What the?!" Dunban said, his eyes widening in shock. "Dinobeast grow back...thing!" Riki remarked. "You've got to be kidding me!" Dunban groaned. The Telethia roared at them, as if it were gloating at the fact that it was winning the battle. "It's no good," Sharla groaned. "My ether shots are having no effect!" "It's regenerative power is too much!" Shulk said. Melia came forwards, holding her staff, she didn't look at Shulk as she gripped her staff. "It is all right, Shulk," She told him. "Destroying the Telethia is beyond us! We should cut our losses and mourn those who perished." "Never, Melia!" Shulk stepped in front of her. "The men you lost...I can tell they were dear to you. I know only too well that desire for revenge. And the crushing pain of losing those…" He faded off for a second, remembering Metal Face holding up the Mobile Artillery, Fiora's limp hand hanging from it. "Close to you," He finally finished, holding the Monado with more force than what was necessary. Reyn, Sharla, and Dunban looked at Shulk as he continued. "I can't stand by and let another person experience what I have," He held out the Monado, it's blade turning green. "This monster is going down!" He said. "I'll trap him with the Monado! Then the rest of you, hit the Telethia with everything you have!" "Thank you," Melia said, a smile crossing her face. It was the first time Shulk had seen her do so. "Ready?" He said, returning her smile. Melia nodded, and they rushed forwards, attacking the Telethia. It roared as Riki darted around, attacking from behind and cheering up the group. Finally, it got fed up, and turned, trying to swat Riki with it's tail. "Riki!" Reyn yelled, running forwards and slicing the Telethia's tail off. Riki jumped, but was crushed into the ground as the tail slammed on top of him. The Telethia thrashed around, before coming at full speed towards the unconscious Nopon. Shulk raced forwards, and flung the Monado out in front of him, sending Monado Purge encircling the monster with green light, stopping it in it's tracks. Sharla fired a powerful blast from her rifle. "Now, Dunban!" She yelled. The former user of the Monado leapt into the air with his katana raised high. "Bite on this!" He yelled, sinking his katana into it's forehead. The Telethia screamed in pain, and whipped it's head around as Reyn jabbed his driver repeatedly into it's foot. "Now Melia!" Shulk yelled, struggling as the Monado still released the green energy. "Finish him!" Melia concentrated, the top of her staff beginning to glow. The light grew brighter as Melia threw all of her energy into the staff, before she raised it slammed it into the ground. All at once, there was a blast of power, overwhelming the Telethia. Dunban and Reyn leapt away as the light grew, surrounding the clearing in a white hot glow. At long last, the light began to dissipate. It grew smaller and smaller, until it vanished, taking the Telethia with it. "Brilliant thinking," Sharla said after a long moment of silence. "Even though the Telethia can absorb large amounts of ether and regenerate at an incredible rate, absorbing so much energy caused it to implode!" "Who would have thought?" Asked Dunban. "Brute force wins again. Nothing like an old fashioned scrap. Dickson would have been proud." He patted Shulk on the shoulder with a grin. "It was the only way I could think of," Admitted Shulk. "If there had been another way-" "Don't listen to Dunban!" Reyn cut him off. "Soon you and that Monado will be unstoppable." "It's like at Tephra Cave," Shulk said thoughtfully. "It was almost natural, instinctive. The Monado responded to me, and I harnessed a new power." "You'll get your chance, Shulk," Reyn said. "We'll turn that Faced Mechon into scrap." "I know," Shulk nodded. "That's what keeps me going." He glanced over at Melia who was standing away from the group, her head bowed and her eyes closed. "Hogard, Garan, Damil, Aizel," She said to herself. "Are you there? I did it! It's dead. Did you see?" She sighed, and turned to face Shulk and the others. "I thank you for your aid in my cause," Melia said. "Justice has been served." "You're welcome," Shulk said with a smile. "Besides, it was mostly you." "Dinobeast!" Riki suddenly jumped up, taking up his biter, and looking around for the Telethia. "Heropon Riki ready for round two!" He looked at the others, but didn't seem to find his target. "What?" Riki said, realizing that the Telethia was dead. "Fight over already! No! Riki not know!" "I'm afraid it's all finished," Dunban said, looking slightly amused at Riki's reaction. "We couldn't have done it without you, brave little Heropon!" Reyn chuckled slightly, grinning. "Riki brave!" The Heropon agreed. "Reyn also a little brave! Riki happy happy!" Reyn rolled his eyes. "Come on, furball." They made their way back to the village, to find that the Nopon were waiting for them to return. The Nopon seemed much more accepting of Riki now that the Telethia was destroyed. "Heropon Riki be proud!" A Nopon shrieked. "Heropon Riki tough guy!" Another agreed. "Heropon Riki bestest!" A third chimed in. "Look at him," Reyn said. "Barely hit a toe and he gets all the praise." "Oh let him have his glory," Sharla chided. "A few days ago the villagers wouldn't let him have the time of day. Besides, won't you miss him just a little bit?" "Chief Dunga!" Riki turned to the chief in question. "Riki beat Dinobeast! Does Riki still have debt?" "No Riki," Dunga said with a warm smile. "Your debts are repaid. However, while you were gone, your littlepons ate like ravenous Orluga! It set Chief Dunga back quite a bit." He turned to face the rest of the village, most looking from their homes above. "Nopon of Frontier Village!" Dunga shouted. "A new prophecy has been told! Our heropon, slayer of Dinobeast, will further his legend by accompanying the Hom Hom on their travels and bringing peace to the lands of Bionis!" "Riki never hear this!" Riki gasped. "It was prophesied many years ago," Dunga informed the Heropon. "Chief lying!" Riki accused. "Chief make up prophecy one minute ago! Riki mad!" "Riki!" Duna ignored the Heropon. "Go with these people. For the sake of the village, you must go. My instinct is never wrong." Riki groaned and looked down at the ground. Dunga noticed his hesitation and spoke again. "Do not worry Riki!" He assured him. "Your littlepons will be taken care of." As soon as the chief finished his statement, a small Nopon poked Riki. "Dadapon! Stomach rumble!" He informed Riki. "Dadapon! Need food!" Another agreed. "Dadapon! Need food now!" A third bounced up and down. "Dad?" Reyn repeated, looking shocked. "What on Bionis is going on?!" "Friends, meet Riki wifeypon and littlepon," Riki turned to Shulk, Melia, Dunban, Sharla, and Reyn. "You have got to be joking," Reyn said. "Wife and children?" Shulk agreed. "Riki, how old are you?" "Riki have forty years!" Riki said proudly, but noticed their expressions. "Friends look puzzled." "Not puzzled," Shulk scratched the back of his head. "Just surprised." "Riki," A Nopon came forwards from the back of the group. This must have been Riki's wife. "Oka borrow monies for littlepons' food. Chief Dunga know best! Riki must work hard for littlepons to have good life." "Riki will!" Riki assured her. "OK Oka. Riki happy to join friends!" "Reyn happy too," Reyn smirked. "Come on, furball." "Now you can return with your head held high, my dear," Dunga said, turning to Melia. "Indeed," She agreed. "Thank you, Dunga. My thanks for your gracious help." "Not at all!" Dunga shook his head. "Peace has been restored to the Makna region. On behalf of all Nopon, thank you!" "Chief Dunga is very fond of Melia," Sharla remarked, turning to Reyn. "Same Hom Hom, different world," Reyn said. "Not fair if you ask me." "I think you've been spending too much time with the Nopon, Reyn," Dunban told the red-head with a grin. "Hey!" "Chief Dunga," Melia said. "Will you kindly grant these Homs passage to Eryth Sea? It is my promise to them." "Without question!" Dunga exclaimed. "These Hom Hom fought valiantly in aid of our village. And a request by you, my dear, cannot go unanswered. I shall inform the villagers at once." "You are too kind," Melia bowed and went to the rest of the group while Dunga strode up the nearby stairs. "The chief has spoken," Melia informed them. "You will depart for Eryth Sea at once. Prepare your things and see me when you are ready." And with that, she strode up the stairs after Dunga. After preparing themselves for the journey ahead, they followed her and found her standing by the top of the village where a lake somehow didn't drown everyone in the village swam above. They approached Melia while Riki said his goodbyes to Oka. "Melia," Shulk said hesitantly. "What will you do now?" Melia looked at him before turning to face him. "I would like to repay you for your help," She admitted. "Permit me to act as your guide to Eryth Sea." "Of course!" Shulk said. "We'd love you to." "But I must warn you," Melia said. "Eryth Sea is vast. Do you know where you wish to go?" "There's a dark tower at the head of the Bionis," Shulk remembered. "I saw it in a vision. That's where I must go." "A dark tower?" Melia repeated. "Then we need not search at all." "So you've heard of it?" "Heard of it?" Melia tilted her head. "I have seen it. A dark tower at the head of the Bionis. Only one place fits that description." "So you know it?" Sharla asked. "I believe what you saw was Prison Island." "Prison Island," Reyn folded his arms. "Dickson said the same thing." "Indeed," Dunban agreed. "Melia, have you ever been there?" "I have not set foot upon the island, but I know of it," Melia admitted. "Prison Island is sealed. No one may enter without imperial sanction." "Imperial sanction, eh?" Dunban said thoughtfully. "That means we'll be needing someone to grant us entry. I've heard that Eryth Sea is home to an empire ruled by the High Entia. They might be our best chance." "You are knowledgeable for a Homs," Melia told him, looking surprised. "Sanctions? Empires?" Reyn looked incredibly confused. "Anyone help here?" Sharla slapped her palm to her forehead and turned to face him. "A sanction is permission from someone important," She explained. "An empire must be a place ruled by an Emperor. In other words, we need an Emperor's permission to enter the island." "This Emperor," Reyn said slowly. "Is he important?" "Long before we Homs built the colonies, a group of so-called royal-types, or imperials, ruled our lands," Dunban told Reyn. "Think of them like the heads of our colony, only with much greater influence and power." "Now I get it," Reyn said. "Dunban knows more then a textbook!" "Are you kidding?" Sharla demanded. "That's first year Homs history, Reyn!" "Oh," Reyn blinked. "Might've slept through that class. So when do we get to meet these High Entia folks?" "You are so…" Sharla couldn't seem to find a good enough insult to describe Reyn. "Oh forget it." "First we must travel to the imperial capital," Melia informed them. "We'll see how easy it is to see this Emperor," Dunban said. "My promise was to be your guide," Melia said. "I will not break it." She turned and started towards a nearby rope bridge. "Melia, isn't that the-" Shulk began. "The shortcut to Eryth Sea?" Melia finished for him. "Yes." She climbed the bridge, followed by the others They skirted around a hut and came out onto a balcony. Melia took a sharp turn to the right, and started climbing a flight of stairs, before coming out onto the lake that was seen from the village. A nearby Nopon welcomed them to Apex Lake. "Me can send you to Eryth Sea in a flash of light," A Nopon Transporter told them. "Are friends ready to go?" When they nodded, a column of water rose from the lake and went up towards the sky. A small multicoloured ball sat in the middle of the spout, waiting for them. "What is it?!" Reyn demanded, taking a step away from the water's edge. "Friends jump in ball!" Riki explained. "All go to Eryth!" "Jump? In that?" Reyn said. "You're nuts, furball." "You have nothing to fear!" Melia assured him. "This will take us to Eryth Sea." She turned around and stepped into the ball, followed by everyone but Reyn. The former Defense Force soldier cursed under his breath before following. As soon as Reyn vanished into the ball, it rose up into the sky, taking the group closer to Prison Island. * * * A woman stood alone in a research lab, watching as a half-human half-monster writhed in a tube of green liquid. Around her, dozens of other tubes held the same things, mouths open in silent screams. The woman put a hand on her hip, and smirked.

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