Chapter 17 - Village of the Nopon

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Melia led the group through the forest, carefully following the trail. When a monster decided to challenge them, Shulk found himself amazed at her flawless control of the ether in the environment. She controlled it with her staff and could summon anything, from a lightning bolt to water that would help heal her. At long last, they arrived at some sort of platform. A Nopon directed them to follow the rope bridges and head towards a yellow windmill. They followed their orders, before coming upon an entranceway to a the largest tree in the forest. It was flanked by torches and a Nopon, guarding the stairs. "This is the entrance to Frontier Village," Melia informed them, pointing to the stairs in which the Nopon were guarding. "So this big tree is where the Nopon live?" Reyn said, staring up at the leafy canopy above. Melia nodded, and approached the Nopon guarding the gate, who was digging in the wood for something. "Ah!" He looked up as Melia stopped before him. "Bird Lady! Welcome back, Bird Lady!" Melia nodded. "I wish to speak with the village chief," She said. "Will you permit us to enter?" The Nopon nodded and moved aside. "My pleasure, my pleasure!" He said sincerely. Melia walked past him, and turned to the others. "I shall take you to the village chief," She informed them. "Follow me." They climbed the stairs, before walking across a bridge. Shulk heard himself gasp. The tree was massive and had to have at least eight floors. Nopon were watching for intruders from a watchtower, while Nopon Villagers milled about. As they approached, the Nopon became curious, flocking around Shulk, Reyn, Dunban, Sharla, and Melia. "Hom Hom!" One said. "Home here! Hom here!" Said another. "Hom who? Hom who?" "Hom Hom everywhere!" "Me want touch Hom Hom!" A Nopon said seriously and poked Reyn's leg, earning him a loud, "Oi!" "Me want nibble Hom Hom!" Another Nopon said. "Hom Hom taste…" One trailed off and made a disgusted sound. "Hom Hom scary!" "Nopon of Frontier Village," Melia said, coming to the front of the group. "Melia Antiqua has returned. I request and audience with your chief." She scanned the group before raising her voice. "Chief! Will you hear my request?" "Melia here!" A Nopon said excitedly. "Bird Lady here!" A second corrected. "Melia back!" "Bird Lady back!" Bird Lady? Shulk couldn't help but grin at the nickname. The Nopon ushered them inside the village, and Shulk looked upwards, seeing the top of the tree before him, the water of a lake somehow not crashing in and drowning everyone in the village. An old Nopon descended from a nearby flight of stairs, and nodded at Melia. "My dear Melia!" He said cheerfully. "It's good to see you again so soon and you look so well!" He admired her glowing complexion from the ether crystals Sharla used to heal her. "And what of your men?" Asked the chief curiously, scanning either side of Melia, only to find Shulk and the others. "They are at one with the Bionis," Melia said quietly. "They sacrificed their lives so that I might escape." She quickly regained her composure and nodded at the Chief. "But that is not my reason for coming here," She said. "These Homs need your help. Will you be so kind as to listen to their request?" "What could a Hom Hom need of me?" "They require safe passage to Eryth Sea," Melia explained. "I see no reason to deny them," The chief said, sounding amused. "And Melia, what of you?" "I have unfinished business in this region," Melia said stiffly. "Once these Homs are safely on their way, I shall be on mine as well." And without another word, the climbed the stairs the chief had just descended. "That girl…" Sharla murmured. "Something's troubling her." "We found her half-dead and all alone," Dunban pointed out. "But I don't suppose she'll tell us the reason any time soon." "Maybe we can help," Shulk suggested. "I'll go and talk to her." He started after finding himself in some sort of shopping district. One Nopon welcomed him to the 'Kyn Shopping Street' and he thanked the nopon, making his way up a bridge. He was aware of the others following him, and as he climbed further up the tree, he could hear Sharla commenting on the scenery. Finally, he spotted Melia a little ways up the tree, staring out at the starry sky, her fists clenched. "Melia," He spoke, but she didn't turn around to face him. "You're welcome to come with us." When she didn't respond, Shulk bit his lip, unsure how to proceed. "Is it true?" He asked after a moment. "Were you alone in the forest?" "That thing must be stopped by my hand," Melia said finally. "This is my pledge to those who have died." Shulk blinked, remembering Alvis's words. "Is it...wounded? I see...The Telethia is hurt and lies in rest. Wounded by...a girl." "Wounded by a girl," Shulk whispered, suddenly understanding. Melia was the girl Alvis had spoken about. She had harmed the Telethia, and that would only mean that she was going to go after it to finish it off. "You don't mean you're going to fight the Telethia?!" "How do you know of the Telethia?" Melia gasped, turning to face him. "When I went to go collect some Ether crystals, some Telethia attacked me," Shulk explained. "I managed to destroy them and get away." "You defeated Telethia?" Melia was awestruck. "Who...Who are you?!" Shulk hesitated, before explaining how it wasn't him who had destroyed the Telethia. It was the power of the Monado, Melia seemed skeptical at first, but as he continued talking, her expression cleared. "The Monado..." She said once he had finished. "So that sword can…" She trailed off. "To tell the truth, they were the Telethia's spawn," Admitted Shulk. "Someone told me the primary Telethia is healing somewhere in the forest. It was you wasn't it? You hurt the Telethia." "It…" "Melia." "The Telethia escaped from our homeland and I am tasked with killing it," Melia said briskly. "It cannot remain free. For the sake of my people and the Nopon, it must be stopped." "Melia, we can help you defeat it, if you like," Shulk said quickly. "Out of pity?" "No!" "Why then?" "It's just...I...I want…" Shulk couldn't seem to formulate the words. "Speak, Shulk," Melia folded her arms. "Or I will be forced to summon the Nopon chief to interpret for me." "I…" Shulk was starting to get annoyed with himself. "Would like to help." "What could you possibly gain from aiding me?" "I saw it," Shulk said. "At the top of a black tower, you and I were fighting together. Fighting that faced Mechon. I also saw you fighting a huge Telethia." "It threw me the first time 'n' all," Reyn commented. Shulk hadn't realized it, but Reyn, Sharla, and Dunban were all standing behind them, listening. "Forgive me Shulk," Melia looked completely confused. "But what are you talking about?" "Shulk can see visions of the future," Reyn told her. "See the future?" Melia rolled her eyes. "And you expect me to believe this rubbish?" Reyn folded his arms. "Believe what you want, lady," He said. "Same as I tell all the non-believers." "That'll be me then," Sharla muttered. "Oh yeah!" Reyn grinned. "Anyways, the only reason we got this far was 'cos of Shulk's visions. If Shulk says he saw you in a vision, then you must be important to whatever happens next. And if you're tough enough to fight a faced Mechon, then you're alright in my book." "You've got my vote," Dunban agreed. "A lady should not to unaccompanied onto the battlefield." "Excuse me!" Melia said angrily. "I…" She took a deep breath and steadied her voice. "I am quite capable of dispatching the beast alone! I require no assistance of any kind!" "My dear!" They turned and saw the Nopon Chief approaching them. "I apologize, but I could not help overhearing. Their offer sounds quite reasonable. The danger extends much further then our small dwelling. Makna itself is at risk! And as such, we will provide you with the finest warrior of our clan." "Chief Dunga, I-" Melia began, calling the chief by name. "No need for thanks!" Chief Dunga said cheerfully. "He is the equal, if not better, of the Hom Hom." "You do know we're listening!" Reyn complained. "The chosen Nopon hero will await you below," Dunga ignored Reyn. "I shall go ahead and prepare him. Please excuse me." And he turned and walked from the balcony. "A Nopon hero?" Reyn sounded deeply amused. "Now this I have to see." "Don't be like that," Shulk chided. "Let's meet him first." Reyn shrugged, and they stepped off of the balcony. Melia followed reluctantly, and they descended the tree again, meeting Dunga at the bottom. After assuring them that the Nopon hero was ready, he spread his tiny arms wide. "May I introduce," He called. "Heropon Riki!" "Yay! Riki! Our Heropon!" Someone cried as a Nopon jumped off of a ledge, falling and hitting Reyn directly in the face. He yelped in pain. "Watch out!" Dunban called as he took a step back as the Nopon ricocheted off of Reyn's face. "Get off me!" Sharla cried as the Nopon clung to her. She smacked him off, passing him to Melia. She panicked for a moment, before hitting the Nopon like a volleyball towards Shulk. "To you!" Shulk wasn't sure what to do, but bounced the Nopon off of his hands, while Reyn grumbled to himself. "Right in the…" He leapt into the air as the Nopon soared towards him. "Take this furball!" He slammed the small puffball downwards, and it cried out in pain, grabbing onto the ledge of the platform, it's tiny feet barely dipping into the water. Dunban, Sharla, Melia, and Shulk gathered around it while Reyn pumped his fist triumphantly. "Heropon!" Someone yelled, and a mushroom hit the poor Nopon's back, followed by another. Soon a wave of snacks flew through the air, some hitting the Heropon, but most of them flew completely off course. "Fight back! Heropon fight back!" "Heropon chomp chomp!" "Heropon go forth!" "Heropon get up!" "Heropon made Nopon proud!" A Nopon called sarcastically, and the Nopon clinging to the edge of the platform whimpered. "Silence!" Dunga suddenly roared, and almost instantly mushrooms stopped flying and the screaming and shouting stopped. Dunga made his way to the Nopon, and picked him up, showing him to the group. "I introduce to you," The cheif paused for dramatic effect. "This year's legendary Heropon, Riki!" They eyed the so-called Heropon, confused. When Riki seemed to realize they were staring, he leapt out of Dunga's grip, and struck a pose. "New Hom Hom friends!" He said quickly. "Meet this years legendary Heropon, Riki! Riki live to serve!" "A Heropon you say," Dunban grinned. "Not sure when you'll come in handy, but the more the merrier! Shulk, are these Telethia as strong as they sound?" "Yes," Shulk nodded. "They're quick as lightning and can read your thoughts." He wrapped one arm around his stomach, wincing as he remembered the Telethia striking him so hard he nearly retched. "A mind-reading giant bird?" Dunban said curiously, before shrugging. "No problem." "I can see their movements through the Monado, but even that's not enough to get the better of them," Shulk admitted, rubbing his arm. "And we're going up against the daddy version," Dunban said. "No one blink for a second when fighting this." "Okay," Shulk nodded. "Eyes wide open!" Reyn assured him. "And don't forget that Melia is our only chance of making it to Eryth Sea," Dunban reminded them. "If anything happens to our guide, it's on our heads. The Telethia is our target, but don't forget about the person standing next to you." "Dunban's right," Sharla agreed. "I your debt," Melia sighed. "My weaknesses are all too apparent." "No worries, Melia!" Shulk told her, smiling. "Riki has been informed of the Dinobeast, what you refer to as the Telethia," Dunga said. "Be safe, my Hom Hom friends." And with that, the chief strode off the platform, climbing the stairs. "Riki's friends, listen to Riki," Riki ordered. "Dinobeast is big and scary. Friends get ready! Friends help Riki get ready!" "You want us to get equipment for you?" Shulk clarified. "Riki's friend right!" Riki said cheerfully. "Hom Hom clever! Friends meet Riki when ready. Then friends and Riki leave together." "Big attidute for a furry footrest," Reyn said, and then proceeded to mimik Riki. "'Dinobeast is big and scary!' Great. That'll come in handy." "Is it just me, or did we suddenly become Nopon mercenaries?" Sharla agreed, obviously not very pleased with the task Riki had given them, but she followed Shulk and Melia as they headed out to find the equipment. The first piece of equipment was some armour. They found some from a Nopon who gave them some Nopon armour and encouraged them to smash the Telethia's face in. The second piece was a weapon the Nopon called a biter. Once they had gotten the things Riki had requested, they returned to him, and the Heropon changed into his new equipment. "Ready to go!" Riki cheered. "Come new friends! Riki's adventure begins!" "Riki," Reyn said, folding his arms. "You do know where the Telethia is, don't you?" "Of course Riki know!" Riki scoffed, and turned to Melia. "Melly! Riki hear you hurt Dinobeast!" "I did," Melia seemed to like the new addition to the team, judging from her smile. "But only a little." "When Dinobeast hurt, Riki know it go to place with ether crystals," Riki said wisely. "Friends and Riki go to place with ether crystals. Then we find Dinobeast. Chief tell Riki! Chief always right!" "So you do know a thing or two about this monster," Reyn said. "Guess we'll be searching for some ether crystals then." They started out of the village, chatting idly. "Riki," Shulk said, finally deciding to voice the question that had been lingering at the back of his mind. "Why are you the Heropon?" "Why?" Riki seemed to find this a silly question. "Because Chief Dunga choose Riki!" "He chose you?" Shulk said thoughtfully. "So you weren't chosen from birth?" "Friend wrong!" Riki shook his head. "Chief choose by instinct!" "By instinct?!" Reyn laughed, but quickly disguised it as a cough. "Why friend surprised?" Riki asked, turning to face Reyn. "Chief have sharp instinct! Chief be village seer!" "So that's how you became the Heropon," Dunban said. "Can't argue with that." "But he is kind of…" Shulk searched for the right words to say. "Compact...For a warrior hero." Riki sighed, and hung his head. "Riki owe lots of monies to village," He admitted. "If Riki defeat Dinobeast, village promise to forget my debts. So Riki like being Heropon!" * * * Shulk, Reyn, Melia, Sharla, Dunban, and Riki made their way through Makna Forest. Half of the time Reyn was complaining about the heat, but he shut up after Riki called him a 'big sweaty Orluga.' They had taken the bridges the Nopon had built to avoid monsters. As they went deeper, the trees became denser and the monsters stronger. At long last they reached their destination: a tree with an ether crystal deposit growing right out of it's trunk. But what they found was not what they expected.

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